Educational Policy Flashcards
1944 Education Act?
The tripartite system.
Name of system brought in in 1965?
Comprehensive (circular).
How did Julienne Ford (1969) criticise the comprehensive system?
Streaming =
it didn’t bring w/c and m/c pupils together as of streaming (she did a study).
1988 Education Act?
Government of the ERA?
Conservative - Margaret Thatcher.
Who describes marketised education as a ‘parentocracy’?
David (1993).
Who said league tables and the formula funding reproduce class inequality?
Ball (1994) and Whitty (1998).
Who discussed ‘cream-skimming’ as an issue of league tables?
Bartlett (1993).
Who discussed parental choice?
Gerwirtz (1995).
Who said about the myth of parentocracy?
Leech and Campos =
- m/c can afford to move to the catchment areas of more desirable schools.
Who brought in policies in 1997-2010?
New Labour.
Government from 2010?
Coalition (David Cameron).
What did Rebecca Allen (2010) find about free schools?
Research in Sweden.
- 20% of schools are free schools.
- they only benefit children from highly educated families.
Who discussed fragmentation and centralisation of free schools?
Ball (2011).
What did Ofsted find about the spending of pupil premiums?
2012 =
in many cases it isn’t spent on those it is supposed to help.
What did Ball (2007) find about the privatisation of education?
Private companies (PPPs) that provide money to build, finance and operate educational services expect to make up to 10x as much profit as they do on other contracts.
What did Pollack (2004) find about the blurring of the private/public boundary of education?
The increase of education workers (e.g. headteachers) working in private sector education businesses allows companies to buy ‘insider knowledge’ to help win contracts.
What does Buckingham and Scalon (2005) find about the globalisation of education services?
The UK’s 4 leading educational software companies are all owned by global multinationals (Disney, the US toy companies Mattel and Hambro, and French media corporation Vivendi).
Who discussed schools being a targeted by private sectors for the ability to legitimise anything associated with them?
Molnar (2005).
What does Stuart Hall (2011) say about the Coalition policies?
Public services being handed over to private services, owned by capitalists.
- Reject neoliberal view that privatising education increases standards, instead, this is a way to legitimise capitalists gaining profit from education.