Educational Policy Flashcards
1944 Education Act?
The tripartite system.
Name of system brought in in 1965?
Comprehensive (circular).
How did Julienne Ford (1969) criticise the comprehensive system?
Streaming =
it didn’t bring w/c and m/c pupils together as of streaming (she did a study).
1988 Education Act?
Government of the ERA?
Conservative - Margaret Thatcher.
Who describes marketised education as a ‘parentocracy’?
David (1993).
Who said league tables and the formula funding reproduce class inequality?
Ball (1994) and Whitty (1998).
Who discussed ‘cream-skimming’ as an issue of league tables?
Bartlett (1993).
Who discussed parental choice?
Gerwirtz (1995).
Who said about the myth of parentocracy?
Leech and Campos =
- m/c can afford to move to the catchment areas of more desirable schools.
Who brought in policies in 1997-2010?
New Labour.
Government from 2010?
Coalition (David Cameron).
What did Rebecca Allen (2010) find about free schools?
Research in Sweden.
- 20% of schools are free schools.
- they only benefit children from highly educated families.
Who discussed fragmentation and centralisation of free schools?
Ball (2011).
What did Ofsted find about the spending of pupil premiums?
2012 =
in many cases it isn’t spent on those it is supposed to help.