Class Differences in Achievement - Internal Factors Flashcards
Who discusses labelling - ‘ideal pupil’?
Becker (1961) =
- teachers label m/c pupils as ‘ideal’ and prefer to teach them.
Who conducted the study on 2 English primary schools?
Amelia Hempel-Jorgensen (2009) =
- found labelling varied depending on the behavioural issues in schools.
Who conducted interviews in 9 English state secondary schools?
Dunne and Gazeley (2008) =
- found schools ‘normalised’ underachievement of w/c, but helped m/c underachievement.
What did Ray Rist (1970) find about labelling in primary schools?
Study of an American kindergarten school teacher =
- teacher placed pupils in groups according to their background and appearance.
- ‘tigers’ = m/c group of neat appearance, seated closest to her with the greatest attention.
- ‘clowns’ + ‘cardinals’ = w/c seated furthest away, and received the lowest educational resources.
Name the sociologists who discuss labelling in education?
1) . Becker (1961).
2) . Amelia Hempel-Jogensen (2009).
3) . Dunne and Gazeley (2008).
4) . Ray Rist (1970).
Name the sociologist who discusses self-fulfilling prophecies in education?
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) =
- told teachers that 20% were ‘intellectual bloomers’, came back a year later and they made significant progress.
Name the sociologists who discuss streaming in education?
Gillborn and Youdell (2001) =
- teachers believe w/c and black pupils have lower ability, so place them in lower streams, denying their opportunity to gain good grades.
What are the internal factors that affect achievement?
1) . Labelling.
2) . Self-fulfilling prophecy.
3) . Streaming.
4) . Pupil subcultures.
5) . Pupils’ class identities and the school.
Who discusses the ‘educational triage’?
Gillborn and Youdell =
students are sorted into 3 categories:
1) . Those who will pass.
2) . Those with potential but need a push.
3) . Hopeless cases.
teachers labels w/c (black) pupils as hopeless and place them in lower sets.
Who discusses pupil subcultures?
1) . Lacey - differentiation/polarisation.
2) . Hargreaves - triple failures.
3) . Stephen Ball - abolishing streaming.
4) . Woods - identified other responses to labelling/streaming.
What dd Hargreaves find in relation to pupils’ subcultures?
- Studied streaming/labelling in secondary modern.
- Those in lower streams were triple failures; (1) failed 11+ exam, (2) placed in lower stream, (3) labelled as worthless.
- Formed delinquent subcultures to gain status from peers.
What did Ball find in his study of a comprehensive abolishing streaming?
- Influence of anti-school subcultures declined.
- Although polarisation disappeared, differentiation continued.
- Teachers still labelled pupils, producing self-fulfilling prophecies.
What other responses to labelling/streaming did Woods identify?
1). Integration =
being the ‘teachers pet’.
2). Ritualism =
staying out of trouble.
3). Retreatism =
daydreaming/mucking about.
4). Rebellion =
rejecting school and everything it stands for.
Who uses Bourdieu’s concept of habitus to understand the relationship between pupils’ w/c identities and underachievement?
Archer et al. (2010).
What 2 things did Archer find about the relationship of w/c habitus and school?
1). Symbolic capitalism and violence =
schools commit symbolic violence by devaluing w/c pupils’ habitus, denying them symbolic capital.
2). ‘Nike’ identities =
symbolic violence results in alternative identities –> leading to a conflict of w/c pupils and school.
Who discussed w/c identities and educational success?
Ingram (2009).
What did Ingram find about w/c identities and educational success?
- Study on w/c grammar school boys.
- They struggled wearing community accepted clothes at school (habitus).
- But were judged as worthless by the community for not doing so.
What did Evans find about girls self-excluding themselves from success?
Groups of A-Level girls reluctant to apply to elite universities as scared of not fitting in.