Education- Topic 3 Class in Education Flashcards
What is stratification?
- Social class= main form of social stratification in western societies
- Social class refers to groups who are divided in terms of income, wealth, power status and prestige
-2 different classifications are used for class in education SEG and NS-SEC and they both of which use occupation as an indicator of position - However they use different measures to assign occupations and they don’t take into account the wealthy upper classes as they tend to be in private education
What is shown about GCSE results in relation to social class in attainment in source sheet
- The higher the class position the higher the percentage of student achieving 5 or more GCSEs A*-C
- Percentage point gain shows there is a gap between top and bottom for classes but it had narrowed although still staying high
What does the sources show about the relation of FSM and GCSE results
-1.4 million entitled but only 1.2 million claim
- gives some level of info of attainment gap but doesnt provide various levels of inequality
What does the sources tell us about the attainment of A Level results
- Percentage point figures show the narrowing of class differences and middle and lower levels of the system have the greatest gains
- However, gap between top and bottom remains large
What does the sources show about attainment in high education
- Percentage point shows greatest gainers were from professional class
- gap from top and bottom is widening
How is class difference in attainment measured?
- Difficult for a number of reasons to measure difference at GCSE
1. different classifications of social class are used
2. more recent studies simply compare 2 measures of inequality- those of FSM and the rest
3. different measures of GCSE attainment are used
4. sometimes figures for England and Wales and other times just England
What are the external factors of education
- Material Deprivation
- Cultural deprivation
- Cultural capital
What is Material Deprivation?
- Certain groups in society have less money and therefore are not able to make the most of their educational opportunities
- extra tuition
-revision books
-school trips
What is Cognitive Development
- Waldfogel and Washbrook 2010
^^ looked at the relationship between Low income and cognitive development- assessed by cognitive ability of 5 year old with 3 test- they then divided into 5 groups based on parental income - there was something significant between the lowest income group and middle income group (11.1 month gap on vocabulary)
- this test indicated that cognitive development of children in poverty when they start school is nearly a year behind that of middle income children (likely reflected in the attainment gap)
- lack of home computer, a car and annual holiday were seen as significant factors to this gap
What does private tuition show on education and class groups?
- Sutton trust estimates 23% of young children receive private tuition
- 35% in top income groups
-9% households in lowest income groups
-therefore suggesting that those in higher income groups greater access to private tuition- which transfer into educational success
What have Smith & Noble identify in 1995
- “barriers to learning”- resulting from low income families
1. children isolated, bullying and stigmatised: - less likely to afford ‘cool’ clothes, school trips, textbooks, school uniform -> may fall behind in school work
2. Less likely to have computer and internet access: - a comfortable (safe) space to complete homework
3. Catchment area: - more likely to live in deprived areas with unpopular schools
4. More likely to suffer ill health- poor attendance: - also more likely to have poor attendance due to part time work or child care issues at home
How does catchment area effect middle class parents compared to working class parents?
- MC can afford to move into catchment areas of ‘good’ schools, pay for children to have private tuition, go on school trips, buy equipment, books etc
WC kids are more likely to live in socially deprived areas with social problems, no facilities and over-crowded housing that gives them no space
What were the effects still at higher/further education
WC is less likely to move out of home to attend university
- students felt they could not afford travel/ accommodation
32% WC
70% MC
- at uni WC experience factors affecting study
part time jobs, longer hours -> miss lectures
What is cultural deprivation?
- home background has an enormous effect on the success of children from WC and underclass backgrounds as they are more likely to suffer from cultural deprivation where they lack the knowledge and skills to succeed
What did Hyman find out about subcultures contributing to cultural deprivation?
- he argued that the system of the lower class creates a ‘self imposed barrier to an improved position’
- Hyman found many differences between WC and MC value systems:
1. members of WC place lower values on education
2. they place lower values on achieving high occupations
3. they believe there is less opportunity for a personal advancement. - he concluded that the motivation to achieve was low for the WC
What was wrong with WC subcultures?
- theorists argue that the lack of interest in their children education reflects the subcultures valued of the WC
- Barry Sugarman found 4 key features to WC subcultures which act as a barrier:
1. fatalism- belief in fate
2. collectivism- value group more than self
3. immediate gratification- seek pleasure now
4. present time orientation- no long term goals - WC children internalise these beliefs through socialisation which causes underachievement in school.
How did parents education affect achievement in education?
- parents attitudes to education are a key factor to affect achievement
- parenting style- educated parents use more discipline and have high expectation- support achievement
- educated parents are also more aware of what is needed to assist their children- advice, interactions with schools, etc
- DOUGLAS- WC parents placed less value on education= less ambition for their children, participated less in their education, the results was that the children have lower levels of motivation and achievement
- FEINSTEIN- parents own education is the most important factor affecting achievement, as MC parents are educated they give their children a better chance through socialisation
How do parents as a whole affect children attainment in education?
DOUGLAS argues that the single most important factor in attainment is parents interest in children education
- MC parents expressed a greater interest with more frequent visits to the school to discuss progress- this was even more important when talking about higher education
- he also suggested that early year play a role in this as MC children recieve greater attention and stimulus from their parents- this formed a basis for higher achievement
- FEINSTEIN- like douglas he claimed the main factor affecting education was the degree of parental interest and support
- he saw class differences in parental support accounting for class differences in attainment
Evaluation of Home and Parents
- lots of studies that WC parents are not necessarily less invested in their children’ education because they attend their school less frequently
1. less time to attend- jobs
2. put off by teachers interactions
3. data may not actually measure parents’ interest
How does language affect attainment in education?
- langauge is an essential part of the process of education and the way in which parents communicate with children affects their development
HUBBS- TAIT ET AL - where parents use language to challenge their children cognitive performance improves - educated parents
What speech codes are used by different classes that affect attainment in education?
- Bernstein argued that the language codes, are responsible for their differential achievement
- restricted code -> language used by friends and family. used by both MC and WC, but WC students are limited to this form of language
- Elaborated code -> used in a formal context with explanation and detail. it had a wider vocabulary. elaborated codes is the language used by teachers in school and is mainly used by MC students, therefore they have an advantage in education
Evaluation of Bernstein
- he lumps together all manual workers
- he provides little evidence of the existence and use of the restricted and elaborated codes
- much of his evidence is drawn from interviews with children = interviewer bias
- he implies that WC speech patterns are substandard- creates a myth that MC speech patterns are superior
How does the set up of school affect attainment of education?
- schools are mainly run by white middle class people- those who share qualities succeed
- 11+ test- favoured to middle class standards- familiar to anagrams- familiar with classical composers
- middle class succeeds not due to intelligence but using a preferred way of communication
What is positive discrimination in cultural deprivation?
- Compensatory education -> making more resources available in schools in poorer areas in order to compensate for deprivation
- 1990s conservatives- 25% more funding for LA’s in disadvantaged areas
- Late 1990s Labour- Education action zones to raise standards
- ‘excellence in cities’ initiative- improves achievement by:
1. better resources enabling specialities
2. learning mentors to reduce exclusion
3. special provision for high risk of exclusion
4. encouragement for G%T and first time goers to stay on at post 16