Education- Topic 2 Social Policies Flashcards
Social education policies 1870-2010+
What Act was in 1870 and what did this ensure?
The Forster Act of 1870
Act ensured free, state education for children between 5-10 yrs old
- boys and girls taught separately
- boys= technical skills
- girls= domestic skills
What act in 1918 and what it ensured
The Fisher Act of 1918
It ensured that schooling became compulsory and free up to the age of 14
state became responsible for secondary education
education system divided along class lines
What was the Social Democratic perspective
view that democratically elected government can work to reduce the perceived injustices of the capitalist market system
everyone to have equal chance to succeed- meritocratic system
Changes to education 1944-1965
Previously education access mainly for middle and upper class
1944 school leaving age was 14 but later increased to 15
state schools were under the local education authorities
What was the important act in 1944
And aims
Butler education Act 1944
secondary education for all
aimed to abolish class based inequalities in state education
3 types of schools introduced to suit abilities and this was measured by everyone sitting an 11+ exam
Act stated that all pupils should have equal status ‘parity of esteem’
Grammar Schools (GS)
Intended for students that were bright and academic
Only 20% school population went to grammar school
Secondary modern schools (SMS)
Majority of children attended these schools
Children given basic education and not entered for external exams until GCSEs
Technical schools (TS)
Intended for children who had interest in technical subjects
Emphasis upon vocational skills and training
5% of children attended
Limitations of Butler Act 1944
- 11+ was unreliable- use of IQ testing not a good measure of academic ability
- No parity of Esteem- SMS seen as second best and denied opportunities to progress and no exams to take
- Most students only actually had 2 options- few TS built due to cost
- Selection process- unfair and denied pupils of continuing education post 15. Girls had to score higher in the 11+ as less places in GS
-Social class division- Class divide remained -> 2/3 MC in GS and WC mainly in SMS were labelled as ‘failures’ so lacked motivation
What schools introduced in 1965-1979
Comprehensive schools
Labour gov in response to issues with tripartite
schools were ‘upgraded’
broad curriculum to be taught
introduction of more sporting and recreational activities
Functionalist Theories of Comprehensive Schools
Promote social integration by brining children of different class together
Julienne Ford- found little social mixing of WC and MC pupils because of streaming
also seen as more meritocratic as give longer to develop abilities
Marxist Theories of Comprehensive Schools
Not meritocratic as reproduce class inequality through continuation of streaming and labelling
continue to dent WC children equal opportunists ‘myth of meritocracy’
What was the Conservative Educational Policy 1979- 1997
1979-Margaret Thatcher elected as conservative leader and aims were:
- develop an educational system to meet the needs of the industry
- raise standards through schools and colleges
They favoured the use of ‘market force’- consumers have choice and choose between range of products
Schools and parents can choose so educational standards improve
What was the New Vocationalism
Schools producing children who lacked skills required by the industry
Example of social policy to create links between education and the economy
TRAINING SCHEMES- 1 yr training scheme combining work experinece and education
VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS- Health and social care, etc
Criticisms of NV
Neo Marxist (FINN)- believed hidden political agenda
Cohen- real purpose to create good attitude and god work discipline rather than actual job skills
Lower ability students- channelled to vocational courses- WC and EM were majority
Training schemes- enforced sex stereotyping in employment and education
What was the Education Reform Act 1988
- It was the most important piece of education government legislation since the 1944 Butler Act
- it established the National Curriculum (biggest thing) for all the state schools in England and Wales and National system of Testing and Assessing
What measures did the education Reform Act 1988 introduce
- Grant Maintained Schools- state schools allowed to opt out of LEA control if parents voted for it- free schools were allowed to specialise in particular schools or type of students- diversity and choice, encouraged competition
- City Technology Colleges- increases diversity choice and competition funded by state and private industry, focus on maths, science and technology- inner city areas for 11-18 year olds
- Open Enrolment- parents given the right to send their children to the schools of their choice- encourage comp
- Formula Funding- financing schools depending on No’ of enrolments. intended to reward successful schools and giving others incentive to improve
- National Curriculum- gov told teachers what to teach and provided tests for each key stage, 7,11 and 14- also used to assess teachers and schools
- League Tables- in 1990s to require teachers to publish KS, GCSE and ALevel results. this was extended to primary schools later on. they were to provide parents with information needed to make a choice of school and intensify competition between schools
1993 Ofsted set up to inspect schools- every 4 years and public report published on standards achieved
What does Marketisation refer to in education
The process of introducing ‘market forces’ into areas run by the states such as NHS or Education
ERA 1988 created an ‘education market’ by:
- reducing direct state control over education
-increasing competition between schools
-increasing parental choice of schools
What were some of the policies to promote marketisation
- Publication of school league tables
- Business sponsorship of schools
- Schools being able to opt out of the LEA control
-Schools having to compete to attract pupils - OFSTED inspection reports available for parents to look at when choosing schools
- More recently (post 2010) academic and free schools
What did Gerwitz study?
Parental Choice
as this increases marketisation advantages MC parents whos economic and cultural capital puts them in a better position to choose good schools
He studied 14 LDN secondary schools and difference in parents CC influencing choice of schools
3 Main types of parents:
1. Privileged-skilled choosers
2. Disconnected local choosers
3. Semi skilled choosers
Criticism of Marketisation (AO3)
- testing children can cause stress
-league tables can be counterproductive- some schools may not admit to having low achievers (not enter for exams)- Better schools in demand so encourage ‘cream-skimming’ and ‘silt-shifting’ - parents had little choice of schools due to few places and catchment areas
- Class difference reinforced by act -> ball= middle class parents could play the system and impress in interviews
- the formula funding- funds are awarded per pupil- more attractive the school the more funds they receive, encouraging selection. poorer performing schools struggle
- Gerwitz concluded that in practice MC parents possess more economic and cultural capital and therefore have more choice than WC parents
-Myth of Parentocracy- marketisation legitimises equally - ball makes it appear as if all parents have the choice but really only MC parents have more choice
- by disgusing the fact that schooling continues to reproduce class inequality the ‘myth of parentocracy’ makes it appear fair and inevitable
What is the 1997-2010 Labour Educational Policy
-Tony Blair came into power in 1997 and announced that his priorities was just education
- the policies introduced translate into this practice
-Labour policies were influenced by Social Democratic and Neoliberalist perspective
What were the New Labour aims and how did they aim to reduce inequality of marketisation
- Education Action Zones
- Aim higher programmes
-EMA - National literacy strategy
- city academies
- increased funding for state schools
Criticisms of New Labour
- Melissa Benn 2012- New Labour paradox, contradiction between wanting to abolish inequality but they continue to promote marketisation. for example:
despite introducing EMA, it was the labour gov who introduced higher fees for university education
they have never attempted to abolish fee paying private schools