education theories Flashcards
what do the new right believe about education?
- education is meritocratic
- some people are naturally more talented than others
- education should teach national identity
- education should be privatised
how is new right different to functionalism?
- the state should not provide education health or welfare
- instead of state schooling for most student we should encourage more competition through different forms of private education
- the value of education is how well is allows the country to compete in a global marketplace
what do Chubb and Moe argue?
- argue that the American state education has failed. State education has not opened up equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups
what do Chubb and Moe alternatively suggest?
- we should let the consumer market place drive up standards (choice)
- we should give parents vouchers to spend on the schools of their choice
- this would mean that the best schools would get the most money because they attract the most customers
what do Marxists say about education?
- education is part if the superstructure and encourages people to accept their position in society in order to keep people the same
- it gives people the impression that many fail and this is their own fault
- Marx says compliant workers prevent social mobility from the working class
what does Louis Althusser say?
- the ruling class must win the hearts and minds of the masses which persuades them to accept ruling class ideas (e.g you will be a worker forever)
-this is done through ideological state apparatus e.g family, education, law)
what does Althusser say about the role of education?
- it is to reproduce an efficient. obedient workers
what do schools do that reinforce Althassur’s ideas?
- transmitting the ideology that capitalism is just and reasonable
- trains future workers to become submissive of authority
what is the link between modernism and education?
- functionalism, marxism and the new right all argue that there is a single best direction for the education system
- these are modern perspectives that view one, scientific way of improving education
what is the link between post modernism and education?
- societies are developing more varied and no single planned approach is desirable
-learners should pick and choose courses that suit their own lifestyles and objectives
what do Usher, Bryant and Johnson say about education?
education for adults clearly show how choice and diversity have increased
what is the evaluation for Postmodernism and education?
Haralambos and Holborn:
- policies such as the national curriculum have made education more similar and centralized than diverse
- budgets for adult education are limited and the range of education classes have declined
- postmodernism ignores the way that big business is influencing the shape of education for the learners (neomarxists)
what are some similarities between functionalism and marxism?
- preparing for the workplace
- macro approaches
- structural theories
-educational provides opportunity
what are the differences between functionalism and marxism when it comes to education?
- functionalists believe everyone benefits from the hidden curriculum
- functionalism is a consensus theory and Marxist is a conflict
- Marxists believe that meritocracy
- Marxists believe that the norms and values contribute to the bourgeoise
- functionalists believe that education contributes to role allocation and socialization
What do Davis and Moore believe about the education system?
- they developed the idea of meritocracy to say that education is the main device for selection and role allocation
- inequality in society is necessary to fill the most important roles with the most talented people
- education acts as a probing ground for ability and sifts and sorts individuals into suitable roles
what did Blau and Duncan say (1978) (functionalsits)
that human capital is the key to the modern economy. A meritocratic education system is important because it matches people and jobs
What issues are there with Davis and Moore?
- does not acknowledge wealth from families
-education does not teach you all skills you need for a job - education is not an equal environment
- Marxists believe that school is a reflection of societies inequalities and the values that are passed on are those of the ruling class
what do Heaton and Lawson say about education (1966)? (feminism)
- patriarchal views are shared via the hidden curriculum
- there is a gender divide in subjects like PE
- there is a gender division of labour in schools with female and male teachers
what is one of the main issues with feminism in terms of education?
- there are many different branches of feminism and it is hard to have a united front
what are the different types of feminism?
- liberal
-black and difference
what did Sue Sharp find (1996)?
- compared aspirations of schoolgirls in 1970 and 1996
- priorities had changed from marriage and family to a career
what things have caused girls to change their mindset in schooling according to Sue Sharp?
- feminism
- 1970 pay act
- 1976 sex discrimination act
what are some criticisms of the feminist view of education?
- education is a female-dominated field - 75.5% in 2021
- girls are doing better than boys in education
what does Talcott Parsons say about education?
Education is a bridge between the family and wider society.
what do Bowels and Gintis say about education? (marxists)
“the long shadow of work”. They believed the parallels between work and school, such as fragmented work-schedules and social hierarchies, are purposeful.
what is correspondence principle?
the suggestion that education mirrors the workplace in its organisation, rewards systems and a range of other factors.