Education = SC - cultural deprivation. Flashcards
What is culture?
norms, values, beliefs, skills and knowledge that a society/group regard as important. Transmitted through socialization.
What is the theory of cultural deprivation on achievement in education?
W/C parents fail to transmit the ‘right’ culture needed for their children to have educational success.
What are the 3 factors that cultural deprivation theorists believe are responsible for W/C under-achievement?
Language, parent’s own education and W/C subculture.
Intellectual stimulation
W/C parents less likely to give children educational toys & activities and read meaning less stimulation.
How does have less educational toys in early years effect children in education?
Effects their intellectual stimulation so when begin school are at a disadvantage to M/C children.
Basil Bernstein (1975) found two types of language for social classes, what are they?
W/C = Restricted code e.g. slang and simple sentences. M/C = Elaborated code e.g. wide vocabulary, universalistic.
What did Feinstein (2008) say about Parent’s education?
Parent’s own education is the most important factor affecting achievement -M/C = better educated, children gain an advantage.
Whats the difference between M/C and W/C parenting styles?
M/C = consistent discipline, high expectations and active learning. W/C = vice versa, trouble with interacting with teachers.
What do M/C parents do in terms of educational behaviours?
More aware of what helps children progress e.g. educational visits and good relationships with teachers.
How does good language increase children’s achievement?
The way parent’s communicate affect’s children’s cognitive development.
What is immediate gratification for W/C subcultures?
wanting rewards now rather than working hard for them in the future.
What is fatalism for W/C subcultures?
The belief of ‘Whatever will be, will be’, don’t believe they can improve their own position.
What does Hyman argue about low value on education for W/C subcultures.
W/C don’t value education, so don’t try.
What does Douglas argue about low value on education for W/C subcultures.
W/C parents show less interest in child’s education and therefore less support. e.g. less likely to go to parents evening.
Criticisms of cultural deprivation - material factors.
Ignores importance of material factors such as poverty.
Criticisms of cultural deprivation - school factors
Ignores school factors e.g. negative labelling by teachers.
Criticisms of cultural deprivation - Different culture
W/C have a different culture to that of schools and they are criticised for it. It blames the victim for their own failure.