Education - Functionalism Flashcards
What are the main points of the functionalist view of Education
The main functions of education :
. promoting social solidarity / core values - through secondary socialisation
. Skills for work
. Belief in the education system being meritocratic
- moving from ascribed status to achieved
- moving from paricularistic values to univarsalistic
What does parsons argue about the education system ?
Argued that education is a focal socialising agency which is a bridge between family and a wider society
Parsons believes the education system to be equal meritocratic - achieved status over ascribed
Evaluation of Parsons ~
. Equal opportunities does not exist in education
. Achievement is greatly influenced by class background rather than ‘ability’
What does Durkheim argue about the Education system
The education system promotes social solidarity and the promotion of specialist skills
- this is done by passing on the cultural and values of society - through hidden curriculum and PSHE lessons
Evaluation of Durkheim
Social solidarity evaluation -
. Despite education ‘achieving’ social solidarity - individuals still peruse their selfish desires even if it doesn’t fit the norms of society - deviance
Specialist skills evaluation -
. School doesn’t teach specialist skills adequately
. Despite being trained for specialist jobs - high quality apprenticeships are rare
What does Davis and Moore argue about the education system
it serves the purpose of role allocation
Argues that education prepares students for their future work based on their ability
Inequality is a necessity to ensure that all roles are fill
How does the education system ‘Allocate rolls’
.By promoting social mobility and meritocracy
. Through streaming and setting
- To ensure that only higher status students that
will benefit the economy receive educational
What is streaming and setting ?
The idea that students are ‘sifted’ and ‘sorted’ based upon their perceived ‘ability’ into different sets for subjects - limited in subject choice
What are the results of ‘role allocation’ in the education system ?
Students who show less important skills for the economy - typically W/C - have lower status jobs - Like manual labour
Students who show higher academic abilities that benefit the economy - typically M/C - Have higher status jobs - like lawyers
What does Shultz argue about the education system?
Education can provide a properly trained, qualified and flexible workforce
- Education makes sure that the best and most qualified people end up in jobs that require the most skill
Marxists - argue that there is a ‘myth of meritocracy’
Marxists - Hidden Curriculum reinforces social inequality and maintains ruling class ideology
Feminists - Hidden curriculum maintains and reinforces patriarchy and not meritocracy
Despite the idea of ‘role allocation’ - There is a weak link between educational achievement and economic success