Education - Ethnic Differences in Achievement Flashcards
What do Cultural Deprivation theorists think about the underachievement of some ethnic groups?
They see it as a result of inadequate socialisation in the home. The explanation has three aspects:
- Intellectual and linguistic skills
- Attitudes and values
- Family structure and parental support
Why are a lack of Intellectual and Linguistic skills seen as a major cause of underachievement for minority families?
It is argues that children from low income black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences. This leaves them poorly equipped for school because they have not been able to develop reasoning and problem solving skills
Why are Attitudes and Values seen as a cause of underachievement for minority families?
CD theorists see lack of motivation as a major cause of the failure of many black children. Most children are socialised into the mainstream culture , which instils ambition, competitiveness, and willingness to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve long term goals, equipping them for educational success. By contrast , CD theorists argue some black children are socialised into a subculture that instils a fatalistic “live for today attitude” attitude which doesn’t value education.
Why is Family Structure and Parental Support seen as a cause of underachievement for minority families?
CD theorists argue that the failure of adequate socialisation comes down to dysfunctional family structure. Daniel Moynihan (1965) argues black families suffer academically because they are headed by a lone mother, who doesn’t provide adequate care as she struggles financially without a male breadwinner, which also leaves the children without a male role model.
What does Ken Pryce (1979) argue about family structure and underachievement?
He sees black Caribbean family structure as a contributing factor to their underachievement academically. In comparison, he claims Asian pupils are higher achievers because their culture is more resistant to racism and gives a greater sense of self worth. As a result many black students underachieve due to low self esteem. He also argues this is a result of colonialism destroying black languages, religion and culture, whereas Asians were not affected by this.
What 3 aspects of life do Tony Sewell (2009) argue affect black achievement?
Fathers, gangs , and culture
How do fathers affect black underachievement? (Sewell)
Not only do absent fathers in general cause big issues, but specifically with the absence of “tough love” , which is needed as boys struggle to overcome emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence.
How do Gangs affect black underachievement? (Sewell)
Without a father figure in these boy’s lives, street gangs of other fatherless boys offer black boys “perverse loyalty and love”, which presents boys with a media inspired role model of anti-black masculinity.
How does culture affect black underachievement?
Sewell argues black students do worse than their asian counterparts due to cultural differences in attitudes to education. Sewell concludes that black children need to have greater aspirations.
What does Sewell say about Asian families?
He says that Asian families benefit from a supportive families that have an “Asian work ethic” and place a high value on education.
What does McCulloch’s (2014) research say about White working class families?
McCulloch (2014) found from a survey of 16,000 pupils that ethnic minority pupils are more likely to aspire to go to university than white British pupils
What does Lupton’s (2004) research say about White working class families?
Lupton studies four working class schools. Two mostly white, one predominantly Pakistani, and the fourth being very diverse. She found that the teachers reported poorer levels of behaviour and discipline from white working class pupils. Teachers blame it on lower levels of parental support and the negative attitude which white working class parents had towards education. Whereas ethnic minority parents saw it as a “way up in society”.
What is compensatory education?
A policy implemented to help tackle cultural deprivation by compensating children for the cultural deficit they are said to suffer because of deprived backgrounds.
Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation theory - Geoffrey Driver (1977)
He criticises the CD theory for ignoring the positive effects of ethnicity on achievement, like black girls being provided strong independent role models. He argues this is why black girls achieve higher than black boys.
Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation theory - Errol Lawrence (1982)
Lawrence believes that black students underachieve not because of “weak culture” or low self esteem, but because of racism
Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation theory - Keddie
She sees CD theory as a victim blaming explanation. She argues ethnic minority are not culturally deprived, just culturally different, and that they underachieve because schools are ethnocentric.
What is multicultural education?
A policy that recognises and values minority cultures and includes them in curriculum
What is anti-racist education?
A policy that challenges the prejudice and discrimination that exists in schools and wider society
What is material deprivation?
A lack of those physical necessities that are seen as essential or normal for life in today’s society.
What does Guy Palmer (2012) say about ethnic minorities and Material deprivation?
-Almost half of all ethnic minority children live in low-income households
-Ethnic minorities are almost twice as likely to be unemployed compared with whites
-Ethnic minority households are around three times as likely to be homeless
-Almost half of Bangladeshi and Pakistani workers earned under 7 pounds an hour, compared with only a quarter of white British workers
Minority workers are also more likely to engage in shift work, and Bangladeshi and Pakistani women are more likely to than others to be engaged in low paid homeworking
Does deprivation and class override ethnicity?
Generally evidence would suggest not, as Indian and Chinese pupils who are materially deprived still do better than most. For example in 2011, 86% of Chinese girls who received FSM achieved five or more higher GCSEs compared to only 65% of white girls who were not getting FSM.
What did David Mason (2000) say about racism in wider society?
‘Discrimination is a continuing and persistent feature of the experience of Britain’s citizens of minority ethnic origin’
What did Wood et al’s (2010) study show about institutional racism and material deprivation?
He sent three closely matching job applications to each of almost 1000 vacancies. All 3 applicants came from different ethnic backgrounds - 1 white , 2 ethnic minorities. Wood et al found that only one in 16 ethnic minority applicants were offered an interview compared to one in nine white applications. This helps explain how ethnic minorities are more likely to face unemployment and material deprivation as a result.
What did Gillborn and Mirza (2000) find about black children in Primary schools?
They found in one local education authority that black children were the highest achievers on entry to primary school, yet by the time it came to GCSEs they had the worst results of any ethnic group - 21 points below the average.