Education- Class differences Flashcards
who argues parents own education is most important factor effecting childrens achievement
Feinstein (2008)
what is a strength/limitation of Feinstein
s: as parents with higher education have more to teach their child
w: doesnt account for private study students do
what are the four mindsets Sugarman (1970) discovers and what are they
fatalism- belief whatever will be will be
collectivism- value being part of group more than education
immediate gratification- seeking pleasure rather than making sacrifices to get rewards
presentative orientation- seeing present as more important than future
what are 3 types of cultural deprivation
parental support (Douglas)
parental education (Feinstein)
who found working class parents placed less value on education meaning less encouragement
Douglas (1964)
what are 4 types of material deprivation
problems with housing
cost of education
what % of students at uni are working class
in 2010, what % of young people from more affluent households and poorer households went to uni
57% from affluent
19% form poorer
what is culture capital and who used it
Bordieu (1984) used it to refer to knowledge, attitude, values, language, tastes and abilities of MC and cultural and material factors are interrelated
who interviewed 60 high school teachers and found they judge pupils according to how well they fitted the image of an ideal pupil
Howard Becker (1971)
who found notions of ideal pupil was dependant on class and that in WC schools the ideal pupil was seen as quiet passive and obedient whereas in MC schools they were seen to be defined by their personality and ability
Amelia Hempel-Jorgensen
what is the self-fulfilling prophecy
the belief a prediction comes true simply by the virtue of it being made
what test was done by who as a study of the self fulfilling prophecy
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) told students they had a test to identify which students would ‘spurt’ ahead, when in reality it was a normal IQ test. They told a random 20 students they had the most potential and it was found almost 50% did in fact make significant progress
what is streaming
separating children into different ability groups
how does streaming link to Beckers’ study
found teachers dont usually see WC students as ideal pupil so more likely to stream them into lower sets as they label them as not being as able as MC students
what is the A-C economy
it is the finding by Youell and Gillborn (2001) that publishing league tables creates this economy that schools focus time, effort and resources into pupils who have the ability to get 5 Cs or better
who created the concepts of differentiation
Colin Lacey
what are the concepts of differentiation
differentiation- teachers categorising pupils according to how they perceive their ability, attitude and/or behaviour
polarisation- pupils response to streaming by moving toward one of two opposite poles
what did Lacey find about boys in subcultures
streaming polarised them into pro-school or anti-school subcultures
what is a habitus
a social class dispositions
what did Louise Archer (2010) find about WC pupils
they felt if they were to succeed in education they needed to change how they talked and presented themselves
what are ‘Nike identities’
this refers to how WC pupils seek alternative ways of seeking self-worth, status and value, achieving this through branded clothing like nike
Strengths/limitations of Archers’ 2010 study on symbolic capital
S- helps us understand schools are MC environment and create clash of cultures
- strongly supported by Bordieu’s study of culture capital
W- too deterministic as it implies all WC students struggle in MC env
- ignores facts many schools in WC areas adapt to dominant culture