educate user groups Flashcards
regular user groups
don’t require lots of information and just need updates and changes on the facility.
new/occasional user groups
require an education program that starts from beginning and takes them through every step.
individuals watching a sporting event. they may need education on accessing and using resources aswell as important safety information.
e.g.. toilet access, seating.
promotional strategy
flyers, handouts and brochures
advantages disadvantages
should be eyecatching and entice the reader. should be kept simple , using headings, pictures etc
- great way to educate a large number of people in one hit
- inexpensive
- doesn’t need hiring equipment
promotional strategies
video and film
advantages disadvantages
its important to show the video at a location that is free from distractions or potential interruptions, make sure audio is loud and clear
- can be successful in engaging an audience
- can hold a large number of groups at one time
- participant may not be able to absorb some of the information
- can have distractions/interuptions
promotional strategies
signs and posters
advantages disadvantages
should contain limited wording and be eye-catching
- cost effective
-doesnt take much time out of someones day
promotional strategies
formal presentations
advantages disadvantages
where a user group would attend a location on a specific date and time to listen to a speaker talk about the use of a facility or activity resource
-interaction face to face, enabling user to ask questions
-user groups may not be engaged
- you have to get your user to attend
- costly
promotional strategies
social media
advantages disadvantages
pos - spread word easily - cost effective - can be done quickly neg - information may not have been received - you don't know who has and who hasn't seen the message - not everyone has social media
promotional strategies
advantages disadvantages
- cost effective
- quick
- environment friendly
target user groups
older adults
you need to consider what mode to use to convey your educational message. email or social media wouldn’t be the best as older adults don’t tend to use technology and flyers handout and brochures would be the best option
remember to write in a bigger sized font because older adults have poorer eye sight.
target user groups
its important to carefully consider the wording used to fit in with their vocabulary. demonstrations are also great.
- data projectors - visual component and engagement
- multimedia - video, graphics audio etc
- interactive - creates a connection between the user and electronic device. props - engages the audience
presentation technique considerations
- the user group - who they are and do they need any special requirements?
- budget- did you stay within your budget ?
- resources and equipment - what equipment will you need to support your program and make it successful
modifications need to be made before the program to ensure you are able to address the components successfully and efficiently to your user group.
components of an educational group
- aim
- user group
- contingencies
obtaining feedback
a formal evaluation is often a questionnaire or survey
informal evaluation includes determining the effectiveness of the program
educational material considerations
- make it as complex or as simple as it needs to be - only include required information
- keep language simple - consider using basic language that can generally be read and understood.
- consider using visual presentations (images/videos)