EDU PSY- Theories of Development: Cognitive Flashcards
Erikson (basic)
Psychosocial Development
Vygotsky (basic)
Cognitive Development
Piaget (basic)
Cognitive Development
Erikson’s Basic Principles
Epigenetic Principle, Psychosocial Crisis
Epigenetic Principle
- Development can be measured by progress through stages
- All ego stages exist in some form at birth
- Each stage has a critical period of developmetn
Psychosocial Crisis
Erikson: Progress through stages is determined by the ability to resolve a psychosocial crisis (2 conflicting forces)
- Development is cumulative (how a later stage is resolved is dependent on an earlier stage)
- Stress of whether we can progress through a stage- crisis
Psychosocial Stages
- Trust v. Mistrust (birth-1)- Hope
- Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt (2-3)- Will
- Initiative v. guilt (4-5)- Purpose
- Industry v. Inferiority (6-11)- Competency
- Identity v. role confusion (12-18)- Fidelity
- Intimacy v. isolation (young adulthood)- Love
- Generativity v. Stagnation (middle adulthood)- Care
- Integrity v. Despair (older adulthood)- Wisdom
James Marcia (basic)
Mature identity depends on two variables- Adolescent identity statuses
Adolescent Identity Statuses
- Identity diffusion: No crisis, no commitment (impulsive, low self-esteem, no direction)
- Foreclosure: no crisis, committed (close-minded)
- Moratorium: crisis, no commitment (anxious, dissatisfied)
- Identity Achievement: Crisis and commitment (high self esteem)
Marcia: Adolescent Identity Statuses
(exploration) individual is actively involved in choosing among options and beliefs
Marcia: Adolescent Identity Statuses
degree to which someone is committed to options or beliefs
use theory to help explain facts
describes the ideal
Piaget (cog)
- tendency to coherently systematize and combine processes into general systems
- Making sense of things
Piaget (cog)
- organized pattern of behavior or thought
Piaget (cog)
- process of creating a good fit between one’s conception of reality and one’s expectations
Ways to Adapt Cognitively
- Assimilation- interpreting an experience by FITTING into an EXISTING scheme
- Accommodation- interpreting an experience by changing an existing SCHEME to incorporate the experience
the process of constructing knowledge to solve a problem and alleviate disequilibrium
tendency to organize schemes to allow better understanding of experiences
inability to fit new info. into existing schema
Cognitive Stages (Piaget)
- Sensorimotor - birth to age 2- develops schemas primarily through sense and motor activities (Milestone: object permanence)
- Pre-operational- 2-7 - centered on mastery of symbols and visual images (conservation, decentration, egocentrism)
- Concrete Operational- 7-11 - General problem solving with concrete examples (generalization)
- Formal Operations- 11—- - Able to use symbols to test hypotheses and ponder abstract concepts
Piaget: role of social interaction, role of instruction
increased influence from peers (for testing of schemas), instruction has no significant impact
Vygotsky: role of social interaction, role of instruction
increased influence by intellectually advanced peers/teachers (to learn advanced psychological tools), instruction is important for ZPD
ZPD (zone of proximal development)
the difference between what a child can do alone and what they can do with help
supports given to students to encourage learning in phases; as students become more capable of working independently, the supports are removed