Edleman Xzone Flashcards
The Vitelli line veins form the
Blood from the coronary veins enters the right atrium via the
Coronary sinus
The Eustachian valve is best visualized in which view
Bicaval view
Absence of the SinoAtrial node is associated with _______ atrial isomerism
The pathogenic mechanism responsible for formation of Dextrocardia is
abnormal situs and looping
E wave velocities of the MV and TV change when what is impacted
The pathogenic mechanism responsible for formation of an AVSD is
Extracellular Matrix
After birth all of the flowing veins deliver deoxygenated blood to the heart EXCEPT
Portal veins
Pulmonary veins
Pulmonary veins
The 3 main bundles of the cardiac conduction system include all the following
Bachman’s bundle
Thorel’s bundle
Wenkebach’s bundle
Broad pyramidal and triangular all describe
Right atrial appendage
The AO and PA are formed during which stage of embryology
Stage IV
On an EKG the time it takes from ventricular contraction to atrial contraction is the
RP interval
The interatrial and interventricular septa are formed during which stage of embryology
Stage III
Following birth the Ductus arteriosus usually closes completely within
3-4 days
A tortuous Ductus arteriosus is a normal variant seen in the _____ trimester
After birth the ductus venous becomes the
Ligamentum venosum
Mitral and tricuspid valves are formed during what stage
Stage III
What are the AV valves
Tricuspid and mitral
Semilunar valves
AO valve
PA valve
The coronary sinus receives blood from the
Coronary veins
During diastole blood is prevented from flowing back into the right ventricle by the
Pulmonic valve
The SA and Av nodes are normally located in the
Right atrium
The pathogenic mechanism responsible for formation of a DORV is
Tissue Migration Abnormality
Fetal coronary artery flow is difficult to visualize in the normal fetus prior to what gestational age
31 weeks
The atrioventricular loops forms during which stage of embryology
Stage II
The azygous vein normally drains into
During diastole which valves are open
Mitral and tricuspid
The inner most layer of the heart wall is the
Blood from the IVC enters the right atrium via the
Eustachian valve
On an EKG atrial contraction occurs the
P wave
Cardiac cycle
P wave -
QRS complex-
T wave -
P - atrial contraction
QRS - ventricular contraction
T wave - ventricular repolarization
A Normal resistive index (RI) in a middle cerebral artery is
> 80%
Systemic veins include
Coronary sinus
Which cardiac valve is described as having a fish mouth appearance in the the short axis
Mitral valve
Heterotaxy is often seen with ______ atrial isomerisum
The posterior wall of the ao should normally be continuous with the
Anterior mitral valve leaflet
The IVS is continuous with the anterior wall of the
Outermost layer of the heart
A single heart tube is formed during which stage of embryology
Stage 1
A normal S/d ratio in fetal MCA is
> 6
Endocardial cushions fuse at what stage
Stage III
Absence of the Coumadin ridge is associated with
2nd degree heart block is often associated with
Long QT syndrome
The most common type of aortopulmonary window involves the
Proximal ascending AO
This is often associated with scimitar syndrome
what percent of fetuses with atrial flutter also have a structural CHD
This has an association with a dilated left bracheocephalic vein
Vein of Galen aneurysm
Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery is commonly associated with
Kommerrell’s diverticulum
What color Doppler finding is consistent with tricuspid regurgitation
Retrograde color jet filling in the atrium
This is commonly associated with a univentricular heart
Complete TGA
The following m mode finding would be consistent with ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular rate of >180 that exceeds the atrial rate
Characteristics of aberrant subclavian artery
Vascular ring
Abnormal spacing of the vessels arising from the ao arch
Four vessels arising from the aortic arch
The highest risk of CHD occurs when situs inversus totalis is associated with
An appropriate frame rate for performing fetal echocardiography is usually
> 25 frames per second
An increased PRF may be necessary to evaluate the
AO arch
A single normal sized great artery seen in the 3VV would be most consistent with
Systolic velocity minus diastolic velocity, divided by mean velocity is used to calculate
Pulsatlity index
Narrowing the color box will
Optimize your color image when evaluating for tricuspid regurgitation
A normal cardio vascular score in a fetus with CHD is
This view is most cephalad on the fetal heart
Narrowing the color box increases the
Frame rate
Color setting for the interrogation is the cardiac valves should include these
Increased PRF
Narrowed color box
High wall filter
Narrowing sector width improves
Temporal resolution
Mitral and tricuspid valve orifices are measured during
Mid diastole
Best describes a normal IVC wave form in a fetus
Triphasic with forward S&D point , reversed A point
Ventricular wall thickness is measured from the endocardium to the
Systolic velocity minus diastolic velocity , divided by the systolic velocity is used to calculate
Resistive index
Sonographic sign of a DOUBLE AO ARCH that can be seen in a 3VV is termed
Trident sign
Increasing frame rate can be accomplished by
Narrowing the sector width
Blood flow through the AO valve should be measured at
Peak systole
Harmonic imaging allows the ultrasound machine to
Receive a higher frequency ultrasound signal then sent
Increasing dynamic range would result in
More shades of grey
Another name for redundant Foramenal flap is
Aneurysm of the foramen ovale
The trachea can be identified on A 3VV by this sonographic finding
Hyperechoic rim
An artifact that may increase sensitivity in diagnosing perimembranous VSD’s in An apical four chamber view is referred to as the
T sign
An appropriate color scale for a fetal echo is approximately
Another name for velocity scale is
In the normal heart which chamber should form the bulk of the cardiac apex
Left ventricle
If the transducer is completely Sagittal on a fetus you are most likely at the level of which heart view
Short axis of the ventricles
PRF can be changed by adjusting
The systemic venous system of the fetus includes the
Vitelline veins
Cardinal veins
Umbilical veins
These vessels merge to form the left brachiocephalic vein
Left subclavian and left jugular veins
The right bundle branch of the cardiac conduction system is located in the
Interventricular septum
SVC is formed by the confluence of the
Left and Right brachiocephalic veins
The Chordae Tendinae insert directly into the IVS in which chamber
Right ventricle
Blood is supplied to the fetal upper extremities by the
Subclavian arteries
Retrograde color jet filling the atrium would be consistent with.
Tricuspid regurgitation
Most common type of DORV
DORV with a sub aortic VSD
Absence of the Coumadin ridge is associated with
And right isomerism
Ventricular length should be measured at
End diastole
A dilated Left brachiocephalic vein would most likely be indicative of what cardiac anomaly
Supra-cardiac TAPVR
What percent of fetal heart block is associated with maternal +SSA antibodies
Which of the following CHDs has the highest association with 22q11 deletion syndrome (Di George)
And truncus arteriosus
During embryology, if the cardiac looping goes the WRONG direction which congenital cardiac defect will occur
The majority of oxygenated fetal blood bypasses the liver via the
Ductus venosus
Normal position of the heart is termed
Which one of the following cardiac anomalies may cause fetal hydrops in the fetus
Valvular insufficiency
Valvular stenosis
Truncus arteriosus can be mistaken for which other anomaly
Which CHD is LEAST likely to be associated with a chromosomal abnormality
What other anatomical variant might be seen with a persistent left superior vena cava
Absent left brachiocephalic vein
What would be indicative of abnormal tricuspid insufficiency
Holosystolic retrograde flow
A normal fetal heart rate is between
120-180 bpm
What is a sign of VCAC on a fetal echocardiogram
Ventriculo-Coronary Arterial Communication
Color Doppler at the RV apex
The IVC is formed by the the primitive
Right Viteline vein
The left brachiocephalic vein is formed by the
Left jugular and left subclavian vein
All of the following have an increased risk of causing a fetal arrhythmia EXCEPT
The heart can be displaced to the right side of the chest due to all the following except
Hypoplastic Right lung
Hypoplastic Left lung
Diaphragmatic hernia
Hypoplastic left lung
Left atrial isomerism is associated with all of the following EXCEPT
Complete TGA
Persistent truncus arteriosus
Complete TGA
If a Persistent Left superior vena cava is present a fourth vessel will be visualized
Left of the pulmonary in the 3VV trac view
Shone complex includes all of the following ExCEPT
Coarc of the ao
Aortic stenosis
Subvalvular mitral membrane
Parachute mitral valve
Subvalvular mitral membrane
Which of the following views is obtained MOST cephalic on the fetus
Long axis of the PA
3VV trachea view
Apical five chamber view
3VV trachea view
The proximal portion of the cardiac loop is termed the
Bulbous cordis
With second degree heart block the atrial rate would most commonly be
Normal and regular associated with long QT syndrome
Pulsed Doppler should be used to interrogate all valves proximally for
At the level of the 3VV blood flow through the DA should normally Travel
Toward the anterior chest wall
Toward the the pulmonic valve
Toward the SVC
Toward the spine
Toward the spine
Isolated dextro cardia carries the highest risk for
Approximately what percent of VSD are isolated abnormalities
Absence of the left brachiocephalic vein has been associated with a
Persistent Left superior vena cava
Azygous continuation of the IVC is most commonly seen with
A poor prognostic sign for a fetus with HLHS is
Reversal or absence of blood flow through the foramen ovale
A larger than expected dropout in the central portion of the atrial septum would be most indicative of
Ostium secundum ASD
In a fetus with a cystic hygroma the most likely CHD would be
Sinoatrial node sends electrical signal to
Bachmans bundle
Wenckebach bundle
Thorel’s bundle
Purkingie fibers cause the ventricles to
Ductus arteriosus carries blood from the pulmonary artery to the
Descending AO
An AVSD with a hypoplastic LV would be termed