Ectopic Pregnancy Flashcards
Most common location of ectopic pregnancy
Fallopian tubes
Most common location of ectopic pregnancy in Fallopian tubes
Ampullary (81%)
Isthmus (12%)
Fimbriae (5%)
Cornual/Interstitial (2%)
Where in the fallopian tubes do tubal ruptures within few weeks usually occurs?
Risk Factors of Ectopic Pregnancy
- Hx of Ectopic Pregnancy
- Postsalpingectomy
- Post-reversal of sterilization
- Clomiphene
- Copper IUD
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Progesterone rel. IUD
- Causes of peritubal adhesions (Infection, Smoking, AA/Endometriosis)
Classic Triad in Ectopic Pregnancy
Vaginal Bleeding or Spotting
Clinical Manifestations of Ectopic Pregnancy
Amenorrhea Pain Vaginal Bleeding or Spotting (+/-) Syncope/Vertigo Diaphragmatic irritation
Symptoms of ruptured ectopic
Cervical Motion tenderness
Bulging posterior fornix (Blood in cul de sac)
Laboratory Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy
(+) Beta HCG at >1500 mIU/mL
(+) Serum Progesterone at 10-25 ng/mL
Sonographic Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy
Transvaginal UTZ
Transabdominal UTZ
At what level does pregnancy test turns positive
10-20 mIU/L
Serum progesterone <5 ng/mL indicates
Serum progesterone >25 ng/mL indicates
Excludes ectopic Pregnancy
What can you see on a TV-UTZ of an ectopic preganancy
Trilaminar pattern
When can you only use transabdominal UTZ on a uterine preganancy
28 days after timed ovulation (5-6 menstrual wks)
When can you detect the gestational sac in a TV-UTZ?
4.5-5 wks
When can you detect the yolk sac in a TV-UTZ?
5-6 wks
When can you detect the fetal pole with heartbeat in a TV-UTZ?
5.5-6 wks
What are the multimodality diagnosis?
TV-UTZ Serum B-Hcg Serum progesterone Uterine curettage Laparoscopy/Laparotomy
How do you do culdocentesis to diagnose ectopic pregnancy?
Aspirate on the posterior fornix. If it does not clot, it’s positive for ectopic pregnancy.
Surgical Management for Ectopic Pregnancy and differentiate each
Salpingostomy - Linear incision at the antimesenteric border; LEFT UNSUTURED to heal by secondary intervention
Salpingotomy - Same as above but SUTURED
Salpingectomy - tubal resection, cornual (1/3 of the interstitial portion)
Contraindications for Methotrexate
Abdominal hemorrhage Intrauterine Pregnancy Breastfeeding Immunodeficiency Chronic Renal Disease Chronic hepatic disease Chronic Pulmonary Disease Blood dyscrasia Peptic Ulcer Disease
What is the single best prognostic indicator of successful treatment using one dose of Methotrexate
Initial Beta HCG
Failure rate if Beta HCG is <1000 mIU/mL
Failure rate if Beta HCG is <2000 mIU/mL
Failure rate if Beta HCG is <5000 mIU/mL
Failure rate if Beta HCG is <10000 mIU/mL
What should be monitored becuase its associated with an increased failure rate
Fetal cardiac activity
Size of ectopic pregnancy with a success rate of 93% with methotrexate
Size of ectopic pregnancy with a success rate of 87-90% with methotrexate
> 3.5
Regimens of Methotrexate
Single dose: 50mg/m2, IM Two doses: 50mg/m2, IM on day 1 and day 4 Multiple doses (7 days) - 10mg/m2, IM on odd days - Leucovorin 1mg/kg on days even days - Stop if B-HCG is >15% -Start surveillance q7 days
SE of methotrexate
Liver toxicity Stomatitis Gastroenteritis Myelosuppression Mild separation pain
Criteria for medical management
- Stable patient
- B-HCG <1500
- <3.5cm
- <6 wks
- No FHR
Indications for an expectant management
- Tubal pregnancy
- Low serum Beta-HCG
- Diameter of ectopic mass is NOT >3.5
- No intraabdominal bleeding or rupture
*These will lead to spontaneous resolution
Prognosis for ectopic pregnancies
It drops to 60% but
if G1, 35%
if G4 and above, 80%
S/sx + Lab of abdominal pregnancy
SSx: Pain, N/V, Bleeding, Decreased of absent fetal movement
Elevated maternal AFP
Risk factors of abdominal pregnancy
Follows early tubal rupture or abortion
Medications given before to ectopic pregnancy with PID
Px: Doxycycline 100mg BID for 4 days (for chlamydia), Ceftriaxone 250mg IM (for gonorrhea)
Partner: Doxycycline 100mg BID for 7 days (for chlamydia), Ceftriaxone 250mg IM (for gonorrhea)
Updated medication for ectopic pregnancy with PID
Ertapenem 1g in 3.2mL 1% lidocaine IM
Ertapenem 1g in 10mL sterile water, transfer to 50mL NSS x 30 mins, IV
When can you say its already a persistent ectopic pregnancy?
When there is an incomplete removal of the trophoblast
What are the risk factor of a persistent ectopic pregnancy?
Small pregnancy (<2cm)
Early therapy (<42 menstrual days)
Serum B-HCG > 3000 mIU/mL
Implantation medial to slapingostomy site
What are the diagnostic exams of a persistent ectopic pregnancy?
B-HCG > 1000 mIU/mL on day 7 post sx
B-HCG > 15% of original on day 7 post sx
B-HCG > 15% of original on day 9 post sx
Progesterone > 1.5 ng/mL on day 9 post sx
Highest risk factor in the development of ectopic pregnancy
a. Previous abortus
b. Previous tubal surgeries
c. Pelvic inflammatory disease
d. Use of artificial reproductive technology (ART)
23 y/o G2P1 (0010) came in due to 6 weeks missed menses with hypogastric pain (pain scale 9/10) associated with vaginal spotting. Patient has a history of incomplete abortion (which was completed via curettage). How do you initially approach this patient?
a. Request for transvaginal ultrasound
b. Request for serum BHCG
c. Request for pregnancy test
d. Perform internal examination
One hour after, patient developed hypotension (80/40), tachycardia (130 BPM), and decreased sensorium. What is your NEXT best step? *
a. In cases of ruptured ectopic pregnancy, hypovolemia is expected so reassure the patient and wait for pending lab results
b. Hydrate the patient using crystalloids and blood products
c. Search for possible cause of hypovolemia via transvaginal ultrasound
d. Immediately send the patient to OR for pelvic laparotomy
Upon opening up the abdomen, you visualized a ruptured ectopic pregnancy located in the ampulla measuring 6 x 5 x 4 cms. You also noted a hemoperitoneum which measures 1500cc. What is your NEXT step as the main surgeon?
a. Perform salpingectomy
b. Perform salpingostomy
c. Replace the hemoperitoneum with blood products and crystalloid
d. Search for possible source of bleeding and ligate the bleeders
What does it indicate if TV-UTZ shows a ring of fire pattern?
Tubal preganancy