ECS - Week 6 Flashcards
What is MAC Data Authentication ?
The message Authentication Code is a short piece of information that can be used to verify the integrity and authentication
Why is the requirement of MAC ?
To Prevent modifying Cypher Text (Integrity)
To prevent changing the Cyphertext & sending their own (Authentication)
These Both we require for data integrity & authentication
What are the to operations of Message Authentication Codes?
We have two operations :
1. Signing &
2. Verification
How MAC is generated ?
MAC is generated by using Shared key and message by Algorithm.The Output of Algorithm will be the MAC
What is verification ?
Verification will be done at receivers end,Verification Algorithm takes in the MAC,message and the shared key and outputs either the message is valid or invalid
What things are required to Signing ?
Signing is a method to generate MAC Code,
Ciphertext and Shared key is required by the signing algorithm
Why we use MCA Code ?
MAC code provides message Authentication , it can be used to verify messages
What is Verification ?
Message authentication uses verification method to verify the message is coming from original sender.
At the receiving end what should be done first , message decryption or authentication .
Message Authentication done first .
What provides confidentiality ?
Encryption provides confidentiality.
What provide data origin integration authentication ?
MAC provide data origin authentication
What is asymmetric encryption
Asymmetric Encryption means different keys are used for encryption and decription ?
How Asymmeteric Encryption/Decryption is is done ?
If alice wants to send messege to bob ,these steps are required,
1. Messaege converted to cyphertext
2. cyphertext is encrypted by using public key of bob.
3. messesg is sends to bob over insecure channel
4. bob now decrypts the message using his private key