ecosystems at the heart of global change (terrestrial lecture 1) Flashcards
How is carbon dioxide exchanged between the atmosphere and biosphere?
- photosynthesis transfers co2 from atmosphere into biosphere
- plant (autotrophic)/soil (heterotrophic) respiration and disturbance release terrestrial co2 into atmosphere
- gross primary productivity
- net primary productivity
- net ecosystem productivity
- net biome productivity
GPP: rate at which photosynthesis occurs
NPP: GPP - plant respiration (autotrophic)
NEP: NPP - soil respiration (heterotrophic)
NBP: NEP - C lost due to disturbance
What are ecosystem structure/function?
- what lives there & their traits
- biodiversity, biomass, leaf area, adaptations etc
- the processes that operate & how they are controlled
- carbon exchange w/ atmosphere, hydrological cycle and energy exchange, biotic interactions
What is the ecosystem concept?
- what are they
- what controls ecosystem structure/function
- what do ecosystems control
- ecosystems are units comprising communities of organisms and their environment
- abiotic and biotic factors important in controlling ecosystem structures and function
- ecosystems control fluxes of carbon, nutrients, water and energy between the land, atmosphere and oceans
What are the components and direction of Earth’s surface energy balance?
Solar radiation brings energy to the earth
Some of this energy is reflected (albedo)
Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) is infrared radiation emitted from earth to space
Some is lost from the earth surface as sensible heat
Evapotranspiration transfers energy from biosphere to atmosphere (has a cooling effect)