ecosystem dynamics and carbon sinks (terrestrial lecture 3) Flashcards
What is the leaf economics spectrum (growth-survival trade-offs in tropical forests?)
Leaf toughness increases longevity but decreases photosynthesis
- thicker leaves are more resistant to herbivores/damage
- thicker leaves have lower allocation of N to photosynthetic machinery & have thicker cell walls and thus more resistance to CO2 diffusion to chloroplasts (Zhang et al 2017)
Less tough leaves have a higher photosynthetic rate and can exploit gaps when they form. Trade off between rapid growth and longevity
Neutral theory vs niche differentiation theory
Neutral theory: ecological equivalence of species, chance events determine success
Niche differentiation: ecological differences between species, growth-survival tradeoffs
- leaf & wood functional traits underpin plant growth and survival
- different niches: e.g. pioneer, understory specialist, primary forest species
What are the tropical forest niches and their traits?
Pioneers (large gap niche): shade intolerant, colonise large gaps, fast growing but short lived, w short lived leaves and low wood density. poor competitors
Understorey specialists: shade tolerant, confined to forest floor, slow-growing, long lived, don’t need gaps
Primary forest species (small gap niche): majority of canopy forming species. suppressed seedlingbank regenerates in shade, matures in small gaps, long lived. slow growing w tough leaves and high wood density. strong competitors + tolerate competition
What is a carbon sink?
an ecosystem that:
- fixes more C in photosynthesis than is released through plant + soil respiration
- does so every year (interannual variability)
- sequesters fixed C in long-term stores (e.g. wood/soil)
How to monitor forest growth/dynamics long term?
Survey sites every 20-40 years in old-growth forest
- resample structure, biomass & biodiversity
- look for evidence of change over time
What are the extent, mechanisms and strength of the Amazonian C sink?
Amazon = ~1/3 of the global C sink
0.8 petagrams of C per year out of 2.6
- growth increase 10% decade
- mortality increase 5% decade
- C pool is growing as growth increase > mortality increase
BUT - composition shift to species that are faster growing with lower C density (-30%)
- faster C turnover
Amazonian C sink is weakening
- net biomass change is decreasing
- productivity is levelling
- mortality is increasing
Why is tropical forest production increasing?
- more solar radiation increases photosynthesis
- rising atmospheric C stimulates photosynthesis
What is the effect of drought on C sinks?
How sensitive to drought is the Amazon?
Droughts weaken tropical carbon sinks
2005 drought nullified Amazon C sink (Phillips et al, 2005)
- stopped growth, killed trees
- light wooded trees more likely to die than dense wooded
Where is the major long-term tropical C sink? Main drivers? Dependent on? What has accelerated? What is linked to weakening C sink?
- Amazon rainforest
- more light and increasing CO2 drive the C sink
- dependent on productivity and C turnover
- tree growth and mortality have accelerated
- weakening sink linked to increased tree mortality