Economists Flashcards
Scottish philosopher and economist. Though he wrote on nearly every subject of moral and social philosophy, he is basically remembered as the author of An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)?
Adam Smith (1723-1790)
American economist. Conservative thinker famous for his advocacy of monetarism (an revision of the quantity theory of money) in works like A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 (1963). he is strongly associated with the ideals of laissez-faire government policy.
Milton Friedman
German economist, historian, and social philosopher. his principal contribution to economic thought was extending the labor theory of value to its logical conclusion, his theory of surplus value. This theory, along with his defense of economic materialism, appeared in Das Kapital
Karl Marx
English economist. He is most famous for The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936), which judged most of classical economic analysis to be a special case (hence “General Theory”) and argued that the best way to deal with prolonged recessions was deficit spending
John Maynard Keynes
English economist. is best known for Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, which introduced more-or-less modern notions of comparative advantage and its theoretical justification for unfettered international trade. He also put forth the so-called iron law of wages.
David Ricardo
Canadian economist. , his liberal popular writings like The Affluent Society and The New Industrial State (with their emphasis on public service and the limitations of the marketplace) ensure his coming up again and again.
John Kenneth Galbraith
French economist. was the undisputed leader of the Physiocrats, the first systematic school of economic thought. Among its tenets were the economic and moral righteousness of laissez-faire policies and the notion that land was the ultimate source of all wealth
Francois Quesnay
) English economist. magnum opus, 1890’s Principles of Economics, introduced the notions of consumer surplus, quasi-rent, demand curves, and elasticity, all fundamental concepts in introductory macro- and microeconomics.
Alfred Marshall
American economist (of Norwegian heritage). is primarily remembered for his The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) that introduced phrases like “conspicuous consumption.” He is remembered for likening the ostentation of the rich to the Darwinian proofs-of-virility found in the animal kingdom.
Thorstein Veblen
British economist and social philosopher. is mainly known today (in economic circles) for his work extending the ideas of Ricardo in Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy (1844) (for example, the relationship between profits and wages) but also for exhaustively examining the necessity of private property in his Principles of Political Economy (1848).
John Stuart Mill