Economics Flashcards
♦ECON♦ Currency Exchange Rates
Covered = fwd BRL / USD = (1 + 7%) / (1 + 2%) * Spot
Uncovered = Rbrl - Rusd
PPP = ∆Spot = Eπbrl - Eπusd
Int. Fischer Relation = Rbrl - Rusd = Eπbrl - Eπusd
♦ECON♦ Cobb-Douglas (GDP)
GDP Total Y = T * K α * L ( 1 - α)
GDP per worker Y / L = T * (K / L) α
♦ECON♦ Potential GDP growth rate
ΔY/Y = ΔT/T + α * ΔK/K + (1 - α) * ΔL/L
♦ECON♦ α (share of K in Y)
α = r * K/Y
♦ECON♦ Growth Theories (Classical, Neoclassical and Endogenous) + Convergence (Absolute, Conditional and Club)
Classical Growth = If GDP / capita > subsistence level, than pop. will grow until is back at sub level Neoclassical = K growth is only temporary —> g* = θ / (1 - α) and G* = θ / (1 - α) + ∆ L Endogenous = K have constant return (R&D) Absolute Convergence = Developed will develop Conditional = Based on certain conditions Club = And only if part of a club
♦ECON♦ Mundell-Fleming Model
Impact of monetary and fiscal policies in the fx rate
♦ECON♦ Stock price growth relation to GDP
Δ P = ΔGDP + Δ(E/GDP) + Δ(P/E)