Economics Flashcards
What does the discipline of ecology study?
Environments and organisms; How humans make a living.(Tools, techniques to live and eat being in a range of climates)
What term refer to “Beneficial Adjustment?”
Adaptation(coping with and environment; pattern of behaviors)
Biological Adaptation
Accidental/Just happens;(HIV)
Cultural Adaptation
On Purpose (A building)
What is different about ecological studies of humans?
Cultural Evolution ?
What does Patterns of Subsistence mean?
The way a culture gets food for their people( Hunting-Gathering, horticulture, agriculture)
Food foraging
Rely on Plants, water, game and wild foodstuffs (ex. rabbits). They do not rely on animals
Food Producers
Rely on animals and move herbs over large areas of land.
Gardening / Hand tools/ Many crops
Producers (Moe animals a great distance as supplies run out)
Large Tools/ Farms/ 1 or 2 main crops
What is Swidden?
Slash and Burn technique (hand tools cut vegetation; burn vegetation, ash is fertilizer) Use fields for short periods then use again after several years
When did cultures begin to switch to agriculture?
10,000 years ago (SW Asia) (Allowed surplus)
Market Exchange
(eBay) Transfer of goods or services based on a price set by supply and demand
(Taxes) (chief to village) Give stuff to a central authority then it is distributed by the central to others
Small, face to face, person to person trade
Reciprocity: Generalized
No records (all personal matters) No immediate return
Reciprocity: Balanced
(Lending) repayment for gift same value or equal to it (Social distance; not as close)
Reciprocity: Negative
(Takers; don’t pay back) Getting something for nothing (Social distance; not close)
What does economy organize?
Production, Consumption, Distribution
Are peasants a part of the global capitalist system? Why?
Yes, (Production for exchange) They produce crops to be sold for cash rather than use for their own use
(labor) the way the production of material goods are carried out ; tools knowledge, skills
How the goods get to places or someone
When goods or services produced are distributed to those who use them up, or consume them.