Economic recovery 1924-29 Flashcards
From 1919 to 1923 Weimar was going through the crisis, what two things were crippling the economy?
hyperinflation and the French occupation of the Ruhr crippling the economy.
Stresemann was appointed chancellor of the Weimar Republic and stopped the 1923 hyperinflation crisis by the introduction of what?
the Rentenmark.
How many marks did they need to pay reparations?
6.6 billion
Who benefited from the hyperinflation and who lost out?
borrowers, such as businessmen, landowners and those with mortgages, found they were able to pay back their loans easily with worthless money.
People on wages were relatively safe, because they renegotiated their wages every day. However, even their wages eventually failed to keep up with prices.
Farmers coped well, since their products remained in demand and they received more money for them as prices spiralled.
Hyperinflation losers:
People on fixed incomes, like students, pensioners or the sick, found their incomes did not keep up with prices.
People with savings and those who had lent money, for example to the government, were the most badly hit as their money became worthless.
Who owned 1,535 companies by 1924?
Hugo Stinnes- ‘King of Ruhr’ benefited by 1924 he owned 1,535 companies.
The period of 1924-1929 is called what?
“the golden years of Weimar”
What does R J Evans say about the recovery of the economy?
“Recovery was an illusion created by hindsight”
What does Lee say about the economy producing welfare states.
Lee said “the Weimar republic successfully produced one of the most advanced welfare states in the western world”
Under the Dawes plan of 1924 reperations would be paid over 5 year annual payments the would rise from what to what?
1 billion to 2.5 billion
How many million marks was Germany loaned to help stabilise the economy
0.8 billion
The ‘Atlanticist strategy’ of Schacht and Stresemann. Given that American influence would continue to grow it was crucial for Germany to build what?
special economic relationships with the USA enabling reparations repayments to be put on a business like basis (Dawes Plan).-
How many billion marks US investment did Germany receive 1924-29
25 billion
Under the young plan of 1929, the total reparations were reduced from 6.6 billion to what?
2 billion
Under the young plan Germany were given how many years to pay?
59 years
Low reparations under the young plan allowed the government to do what?
lower taxes
Lower taxes= what?
higher spending
Germany only ever paid what percentage of operations??
Until 1927 reparations payments were lower than they had been in what a percentage of German GDP?
Investment from USA was short-term, and the economy became what?
too dependent on this investment
Germany still struggled to do what?
repay loans
Stresemann speech in November 1920 about by the reliance on foreign short-term loans as a public speech saying what?
“Germany is dancing on a volcano” suggest he is ongoing concerns about the real strength of the economy.
The Dawes plan relied on American Loans which could be pulled at any moment illustrated by what?
illustrated by the Wall Street crash of 1929)
What does Bookbinder argue about Germany industrial production?
- Bookbinder argues this when he says, “by 1929 Germany had become the world’s second industrial power behind the USA. Real wages and standards of living rose”.
What does Lee say about loans foreign?
Made Germany Vulnerable to US Market Fluctuations