Economic development/ Nigeria Flashcards
What is development?
Development is an improvement in living standards through better use of resources.
Economic development
Progress in economic growth through levels of industrialisation and technology.
Social development
Improvement in peoples standard of living for example clean water and electricity.
Environmental development
Involves advances in the management and protection of the environment.
Economic indicator examples
- employment type
- Gross domestic product per capita
- Gross national income per capita
Social indicator examples
- Infant mortality
- Literacy rate
- life expectancy
- Human development index
Demographic transition model
shows population change over time. It studies how birth rate and death rate affect the total population of a country.
1 - high DR + BR
2 - low BR + declining DR
3 - low BR + rapid decline DR
4 - low BR + DR
5 - falling DR + low BR
variations in level of development
LICs - GNI is low and most people have a low standard of living (Africa)
NEEs - Getting richer and economy is progressing to second industry. greater exports lead to better wages (Asia)
HICs - Wealthy countries with high GNIs and standards of living (Europe)
natural resources affecting uneven development (physical)
- fuel sources such as oil
- minerals and metals for fuel
- availability for timber
- access to safe water
natural hazards affecting uneven development (physical)
- risk of tectonic hazards
- benefits from volcanic material
location affecting uneven development (physical)
- landlocked countries find trade hard
- mountains make farming difficult
- scenery attracts tourists
climate affecting uneven development (physical)
- reliability of rainfall to benefit farming
- climate attracts tourists
Aid effects uneven development (Human)
- improves services
- too reliant on aid might stop trade links becoming established
Trade affects uneven development (Human)
- countries that export more than import have trade surplus which improves economy
- having good trade relationships
Education affecting uneven development (Human)
- creates skilled workface
- earn more money, so can pay more taxes