Ecology- Population Terms Flashcards
Density Independent Factor
Factors that the number of organisms has no effect on what happens
Number of organism that are in an area that are of the same species
Birth Rate
The number of births in a population
Growth Rate
How fast the population is growing and by how much
When an organism leaves a population because of abiotic/biotic factors
Word to remember this by: Exit
When an organism enters an area because of abiotic/biotic factors
Word to remember this by : Into or coming into
How far apart each population is from each other
breed from closely related people or animals, especially over many generations.
Life Expectancy
How long each organism of a species is expected to live
Agricultural Revolution
When farming started to have a big impact on the economy of the U.S.
Hunter Gatherer Lifestyle
The lifestyle where an organism lives in each area rouse the resources provided then move to next 1 to do the same
Death Rate
The number of deaths in a population
Population Density
The number of organisms in a population
Density Dependent Factor
Factors that are dependent on the number of organisms in an area