Ecology II Lecture 30 Flashcards
Demography: Definition
A study of the vital statistics (births, deaths) of a population and how they vary with age.
Life table: Definition
Vital statistics of a cohort (e.g., a group of individuals born at the same time).
Includes survivorship and fecundity.
What do exponential and logistic growth models assume?
Everyone in the population is the same -> same birth and death rates for all.
Type History: Type 1 Curve
High survivorship until old age.
Type History: Type 2 Curve
Constant probability of dying across each year.
Type History: Type 3 Curve
Most newborns die, but surival of adults is high.
An organism’s reproductive capacity (the number of offspring its capable of producing).
Generally - the higher the fecundity the less likely an organism is to invest in each offspring.
R0 The Net Reproductive Rate:
Definition: Average number of offspring produced by an individual during its life.
Carrying Capacity Equation:
Nt = K x N0e^RT / K+N0 (e^rt-1)
Age-Sex Pyramids
Births add individuals only to the base of the pyramid.
Deaths remove individuals from the population at all ages after birth.