Ecology Flashcards
Biotic and abiotic factors interact to form an unique environment
Abiotic factors
Non living, physical factors
Extinct vs endagered
Endangered are at threat while extinct is completely wiped out
perquadrat x total area / area of quadrat
Capture recapture
#taggedfirst x 100 / %tagged second
CO2 + H20 —} O2 + C6H12O6
Water cycle
Evaporation, precipitation, transpiration, condensation, infiltration
Carbon cycle
Atmosphere to plants, dissolving, fossil fuels
Atmosphere from animals, usage of fossil fuels
Nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen in air, bacteria to ammonia, soil, protein, bacteria to air
Phosphorus cycle
Erodes to bottom of lake or ocean, forms salts or into soil
Narrow strip used to find distributions of species