ecology Flashcards
more edge means
less equal habitat
every person has DDT (insectiside) in what cells
33% of all amphibian species are threatened with
extinction after the industrial revolution
what are endemic species
species found only in a particular region
4 causes for biodiversity loss
habitat destruction, disease, introduced species, and direct exploitation
coral bleaching and loss of reefs why?
bleaching- acidification and warming reefs- disease
what is one of the conservation efforts
keystone species- prarie dogs
what is the meaning of oikos and ology
oikos- home
what are the biomes
terrestrial-subtropical desserts, temperate grasslands, temperate forest, taiga, and tundra
light penetrates farther
in freshwater rather than seawater
why should we care that a nuclear reactor melts
contaminated every fish we get from the coast
what does atrazine do
kills weeds but its in our water!!
how or if ecosystem bounces back- low resilience it will never come back
how much its affected by disturbance
keystone species
hold habitats together, not many but if taken out- ecosystem crashes.
what defines a biome
habitat area is defined by their vegetation
what does temperate mean
varie- cool dry winters, hot summers
neritic zone
intertidal zone-neritic- oceanic
one of the ocean zones
temperate grassland and temperate forests are essentially the same but what is the difference
temperate grass land has more rain
details of cascade mountains
west- moisture lade, rain falls-air rises over mountains and cools, east- dry air creates desert conditions
littoral zone
leaf zone- near trees
emerged plants “little plants”
limnetic zone
lake zones horizontal-open water, after littoral
photic zone
light zone- vertical
aphotic zone
no light- under photic still vertical
benthic zone
when looking at aquatic world were not looking at vegetation
were looking at physical factors-influenced by surrounding biome
intertidal zone
between the tides- neritic zone, scuba diver
where freshwater meets saltwater
fresh water- such as lakes
(lentic) still water
streams and rivers
lotic- flowing water
lake zones
littoral, close to shore-small fish
limnetic- away from shore -bigger fish and phytoplankton
proximate behavior
“how” explanation -signal triggers response. askking a girl out at the bar- how? he thinks shes cute
ultimate behavior
“why” explanation of behavior or increase fitness (passing on ones genes) why? to start a family
fixed action patterns
“computer program” innate behavior- behavioral reflex- born with it
behavior is more like
innate and learned