E.coli Lecture 4 Flashcards
What is the Toxin/Antitoxin System
Normally Toxin and Antitoxin Dimerize and neutralize each other.
Upon Phage infection Antitoxin is degraded and cell dies due to toxin.
How do you discover new defense Systems in prokaryotes
You search the genome for known defense systems and co-encoded unknown genes -> candidate defense system
-> check functionality of candidate defense systems in “model” organisms
What are some Bacterial defense system features
Defense Systems mainly encoded by variable gene pool
Defense Systems are clustered
Why does Saccharomyces cerevisiae have so many more genes than S.pombe?
Due to a genome duplication event S. cerevisiae gained a lot of genes
What is S. cerevisiae metabolism under glucose?
Under sufficient Glucose its metabolism is Glycolyses and alcoholic fermentation
-> Releases CO2 and Ethanol
What hinders S. cerevisiae from using respiration or other carbon souces under sufficient glucose?
Catabolite repression
What are the growth phases of S. cerevisiae?
Lag phase -> Exponential phase -> Stationary phase
What is the diauxic shift?
The moment S. cerevisiae stops using glucose and starts respiration with its ethanol
What is S. cerevisiae special feature during cell division?
Closed mitosis -> Nuclear membrane remains intact
What are heterothallic strains ?
Can be kept in the haploid state as two different mating types. Upon combination (conjugation) they will form a diploid zygote which can reproduce.
What does nitrogen + carbon starvation do in diploid yeast cells?
They undergo sporulation -> yields 4 different haploid spores.
How can S. cerevisiae switch its mating type?
By gene conversion. Inducing a double strand break via the HO endonuclease
Homo vs Heterothallic strains
Homothallic strains have a functional HO endonuclease -> very frequent mating type switch -> nearly all cells end up as diploid
Whats a crossing of a Parental Ditype
2 AB -> A - B
-> A - B
2 ab -> a - b
-> a - b
no crossover
Whats a crossing of a non-Parental Ditype
2 Ab -> A - B
-> A - B
2 aB -> a - b
-> a - b
4 strand double crossover
Whats a crossing of a Tetratype
AB -> A - B
ab -> A - B
Ab -> a - b
aB -> a - b
single corssover
What are the different cell types of S.cerevisiae?
Mat a or Mat alpha
How can S. cerevisiae switch its mating type?
By gene conversion. Via conversion casette
The cells carry the active MAT locus and two silent ones with both a and alpha
HO endonuclease can introduce a double strand break and switch one casette for the other.
How is the mating type switch controlled in S. cerevisiae?
By HO endonuclease initiation and by pheromones. a and alpha factor
What is the nomenclature in S. cerevisiae?
GOI1=wild type/dominant allel
goi1-1 = recessive mutant with allel number
goi1-S313T = recessive mutant allele with known mutation
Goi1 or Goi1p protein
What is the Psi-prion?
Impairs STOP codon recognition
Leads to ade1 expression and white colonies.( can grow on medium lacking adenine)
If ade1 is not present = red colonies
Why are restirciton sites not cut by RMS in the host?
Because they are methylated
What is the pAgo system?
pAgo only cuts multicopy nucleic acids (prevents host DNA from being cut)
uses cut DNA as guide to be more specific
What happens if ade1 is not present in yeast on YPD culture medium?
Red colonies