E.coli Lecture 1 Flashcards
E.coli is a commensal bacterium. What does that mean?
Commensal means one species provides benefits for the host while the other gains nothing but isnt harmed as well
What are some benfits of having E.coli?
consumption of oxygen (allows anaerobic bacteria to grow)
synthesis of Vitamin K and B
competition with pathogenic bacteria
How is the genome of E.coli structured?
Core genome (all E.coli have it) and variable genome (only 1 E.coli has it)
Plasmids are part of the variable genome
What is Horizontal Gene Transfere (HGT)?
Mediated by Mobile Genetic elements like conjugative plasmids and phages
or the DNA is shuffeld by Trnsposons
How does the mechanism of HGT take place?
Donor cell has conjugative plasmid and conjugates part of their DNA to the recipient who integrates this DNA into their own genome
How does HGT by phages work?
Upon infection phage DNA can be integrated into bacterial genome or be kept as plasmid.(lysogen)
How are Multidrug resitances normaly transfered between bacteria?
They normaly reside on conjugative or mobilizable plasmids and are transfered that way.
What are types of HGT in E.coli?
Process of Conjugation
Conjugative plasmid -> conjugation -> plasmid is duplicated
Process of Mobilization
Conjugative plasmid+ mobilizable plasmid -> conjugative -> Both plasmids are duplicated
Process of Lysogenization
Phage injects DNA -> DNA can be integrated or remain als plasmid (lysogen)
Process of Transduction
First phage infection lyses cells and packs Host DNA in its capside -> upon reinfection of another bacteria this previous bacterial host DNA is integrated
Process of Satellites
Previous phage infection has integrated DNA in host -> reinfection of another phage now makes new phages with this already present other phage DNA
What bacterial strains are important and why?
K12 and B and BL21 and DH5a
K12 for biochemical genetics
B for phages
BL21 for protein purification (natural protease mutant)
DH5a for blue white screening