ECO Flashcards
What equipment would you have with you around the ECB as ECO? (Including nice to haves)
ECO pack
Gas Monitor
Comms (channel 3)
Nice to haves
Water bottles
Bucket of water
Hero wipes
What is does this sign mean?
ADSU activation
What does this sign mean?
DSU activation
What does this sign mean?
Voluntary Emergency withdrawal
How would you do a forced log on if “et” is displayed when entering a tally?
Press the running man symbol
Enter the tally number
Press enter
How would you do a forced log off?
Hit the return button
Use 2 and 8 to scroll to log off
Press enter
Hit the running man symbol of the channel to be logged off
Press enter
What are the criteria for rapid deployment
No more than 2 BA wearers
Exceptional circumstances
Limited resources
Immediately clear that persons are in great danger and in need of rescue and are within view or know to be within a short distance of the ECP
Dangerous escalation of the incident cab be prevented by immediate action
As soon as resources become available, stage 1 BA entry control should be implemented.
What are BA wearer responsibility for rapid deployment
Ensure tallies and gauges are checked and correctly annotated with time in
Tallies entered into the top two slots
Ensure telemetry is working and solid green icon is illuminated (if telemetry cannot be established initiate forced log on)
If the ECB remains in rapid deployment for the duration of the wear who can remove the BA tallies?
Only the BA wearers. They must close down their sets and exhaust their air prior to removal the tally
What are the criteria for stage 1 entry control?
Limited and not complex
No more than 1 ECP
No more than 6 BA wearers
No more than 3 teams
Not protracted
BA guidelines are not in use
What are the duties of the ECO during stage 1 entry control?
Annotate the ECB with name, board ID, address of incident and stage
Receive BA tallies from wearers and check:
Name of wearer
Telemetry is working
Cylinder contents at time of entry is correct
Enter TIME IN on each tally
Place tallies in the ECB, keep team members’ tallies together and bracket them
Write the time of whistle out side brackets
Annotate in appropriate section of the ECB opposite the tally relevant information
Maintain wearers log
Only wipe clean on the approval of the IC
What is the procedure if telemetry fails?
In exceptional circumstances the ECO can commit teams without telemetry
ECO may commit wearers using clock and duration tables
Maintain communications
What are the criteria for stage 2 entry control?
Complex incident that requires greater control and supervision
More than one ECP
More than 3 teams
More than 6 teams
Likely to be protracted
Guidelines in use
EDBA in use
Emergency team
All ECP’s should establish and maintain comms with each other
Supervisor of appropriate level of managerial authority
No trainee FF’s should be ECO
All ECB’s should have clocks synchronised
What is the provision of BA emergency teams under stage 2?
1 BA emergency team for each ECP in use rigged and on standby throughout the BA is in use.
They should be provided with FF media the same or greater than that in use with BA teams
What conditions would constitute committing the emergency team?
Wearer fails to return to ECP at the activation of their whistle and cannot be contacted
distress signal is heard or received by a telemetry device (unless it can be established immediately that it is accidental)
Audible or visual indicators that a wearer is in distress or danger
Prolonged or unexplained breakdown of comms
at the request of a BA wearer in the risk area
If BA wearers require, or appear to require, emergency teams what should the ECO do regarding other teams in the risk area?
Make contact with other teams in the area who may be affected.
Other BA teams in the risk area should be given information that may allow them to help affected wearers exit the risk area safely.
Once a BA emergency has been declared what must the ECO do?
Inform IC
Inform FC immediately, the radio message must include the phrase ‘BA emergency’
What is the composition of the BA emergency team?
There must be at least as many BA wearers in the BA emergency team as the largest team deployed, or likely to be deployed, from the ECP
When can retry into the risk area be allowed?
BA team is still under the control of the ECO
Re-entry is for a clearly defined purpose which is not firefighting
Pressure of BA wearers must be at least 190 bar
Fitness and well being of the wearers is adequate for the task
ECO should record fresh details including annoying re-entry or RE
Re-entry cannot take place for EDBA
When is it permitted to commit a single BA wearer?
Operations are not in a building or structure
BA wearers gauge has been checked and cylinder content recorded
BA tally is entered into the ECB
Wearer can be removed the risk area quickly
BA wearer can always be seen by the IC
Stage 1 EC applies
Can and ECP be established on the working platform of an aerial appliance?
Who determines where the BA ECP is located in the Bridgehead or forward BA ECP?
The IC