Echinoderm Flashcards
a marine invertebrate of the phylum Echinodermata, such as a starfish, sea urchin, or sea cucumber.
an internal skeleton, such as the bony or cartilaginous skeleton of vertebrates.
term that is used to describe a panoply of tiny claw, clamp, wrench or beak shaped structures that are present on the external surface of starfish and sea urchins.
light colored calcerous opening used to filter water into the water vascular system of echinoderms.
Radial canal
canals forming part of the water-vascular system, that extend from the stone canal into each arm, passing along the oral side of the ambulacral groove and ending in a small, external tentacle.
Ring canal
Water comes into the system via the madreporite. It is then circulated from the stone canal to the ring canal and into the radial canals. The radial canals carry water to the ampullae and provide suction to the tube feet.
Arm / Ray
body radially arranged, usually in the form of a star, with five or more rays or arms radiating from a central disk
Radial Symmetry
Baby sea stars have this type of symmetry.
Bilateral Symmetry
Adult sea stars have this type of symmetry.
Water Vascular System
disc that periodically takes in water to replenish this
Ambulacral Groove
ridge on the aboral side of each ray, known as what
honeycombed plates form the dermal region with an overlying epidermis. Their function is to protect the underlying tissue and to give strength and structure to the star fish.
Pyloric Caecum
part of the starfish’s digestive system, which also includes the pyloric ducts, pyloric stomach and cardiac stomach.
Pyloric Stomach
is considered as having two parts, the pyloric antrum and the pyloric canal
Cardiac Stomach
consists of a mouth; an esophagus; a two-chambered foregut it occupies much of the posterior aspect of the head and the anterior thoracic body cavity.
bulb-shaped structures located above the tube feet of starfish and other echinoderms.
an organ that produces gametes; a testis or ovary.
Central Disc
a part in the water vascular system.
Tube Feet
many small tubular projections found on the oral face of a sea star’s arms
External Fertilization
in which a sperm cell unites with an egg cell in the open, rather than inside specialized organs within the bodies of the parents.
process of renewal, restoration, and growth that makes genomes, cells, organisms, and ecosystems resilient to natural fluctuations or events that cause disturbance or damage.
Sea star
star-shaped echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea
Brittle star
just like a sea star but has smaller legs, and has no tube feet.
Sea urchin
small, spiny, globular animals. in the class Echinoidea of the echinoderm phylum.
Sand dollar
flattened sea urchin that lives partly buried in sand, feeding on detritus
Sea lilies
sedentary marine echinoderm that has a small body on a long jointed stalk, with feather like arms to trap food.
Feather stars
echinoderm with a small disklike body, long feathery arms for feeding and movement, and short appendages for grasping the surface.
Sea cucumbers
echinoderm that has a thick, wormlike body with tentacles around the mouth
Sea daisies
the organism is small and, very hard to see