Echevarria & Graves Ch. 3 Flashcards
What is the definition of Sheltered Instruction (SI)?
Sheltered Instruction is a means for making grade-level content, such as science, social studies and math, more accessible for ELs while promoting English development.
Sheltered means
Instruction provides a refuge (alternative) from the language demands of mainstream English curriculum
Effective Instruction (EI) vs. Sheltered Instruction (SI)
EI- Individualized and independent vocabulary work
SI- Vocabulary work is done in small groups (2-3)
Effective Instruction (EI) vs. Sheltered Instruction (SI)
EI- Student write definitions
SI- Student reported on definitions aloud
Effective Instruction (EI) vs. Sheltered Instruction (SI)
EI- Student read silently
SI- Student reads aloud in group with support
Effective Instruction (EI) vs. Sheltered Instruction (SI)
EI- Class discussion
SI- Class discussion, uses visual aids (realia, posters)
What are some features unique to Sheltered Instruction (SI)?
- Simplify the input
- Easy words (1-2 syllables)
- Short sentences (4-5 words)
- Clear articulation
- Talk slowly
- Repeat key words
- Longer pauses
- Increase voice, tone, on key words
- Give examples/clarify meaning