ECG Flashcards
physiological Q wave
since heart is 3D the Q waves exists b some depolarisation current is moving away from the + electrode
S wave
movement away at eh end o depolarisation
-dereieves from the end of the base of the ventricles (terminal part of ventricular depolarisation)
ventricular repolarisation
- still ^ b moving away from the positive electrode in Lead 2
a d not the contraction
V d not the contraction b follows it
issues with lateral wall of LV
L1 avL
- coronary artery disease / accusation
gets its supply from the right coronary artery
anterior wall conditon
- widow maker
- pericardial leads
e. g
widow maker
v3 v4
prolonged pq interval
prolonged interval of P Q
2nd degree heart. block morbid type 2
p qrs p qrs p no qrs
- symptomatic ; risk of complete stop ; MI
- measure intervals and make sure qrs follows the p wave
third degree heart block
atrial and ventricles fire continuously but the ventricular pacemaker cells fire slowly,
- SAn and AVn slow not susceptible
- need pacemaker
bundle branch block
- problem in the bundle branch of either R or L so see a wider complex
- L branch damage sign of heart damage
- supraventricualr; start in sinus node/ atrium cells/ AVN
- ventricular; start at the heart
- QRS normal
- narrow complex
- rate is super super high
- most common arrhythmia ; happens d atria firing quivering ,b is still delivered to LV and rV so okay pressure, not hypotensive
- irregularly irregular
- ## they can go back to normal b thunking their own heart or shock them back to life
- SOW <60
- fast
- tachybrady syndrome ;
- base line
- atria isn’t working. well, so b just stays the atria wc then clots wc can embolise to the brain c stroke