ECG Flashcards
Myocytes have 3 properties
-able to discharge/depolarize w/o stimulation from a nerve
automatically discharge
-depolarization occurs at regular intervals
-cardiac muscle cells can depolarize at regular intervals
SA node- rhythmicity creates sinus rhythm (60-100)
His-purkinje fibers
AV: 40-60 times per min
His: 30-40 times per min
faster/higher discharge rate predominates
autonomic influence >SA>AV>Purk
-ability to spread impulses quickly w/o nerve involvement
ECG tracings are…
superficial recordings of electrical events/ ionic events occuring within the myocytes
P wave
atrial depolarization is depicted on ECG as p wave.
impulse spread to L atrium via bachmann bundle
PR interval
when spread of depolarization reaches AV node, slight delay occurs
reads as PR interval
Purkinjes/ bundle branches
-L and R division, L has an A and P division
ventricular depolarization occurs when impulse reaches PFs, carries signal to myocytes .
QRS complex reflects this
greater amp bc of greater muscle mass
T wave
-represents repolarization of ventricles
interval from beginning of QRS complex to apex of t wave = absolute refractory period
most leads- T wave is positive (upward deflection) and reflects repolarization of myocytes
Limb leads
I,II,III (standard limb leads)
aVR,aVL,aVF (augmented)
each leads records from different angle, providing a diff view of same cardiac activity
Chest leads
6, show gradual changes
record in horizontal plane
Single lead assessment
look for:
-heart rhythm or rate
-normal waveforms
-abnormal wavefroms
use lead II!!!
ECG recording
vertical deflections: voltage
horizontal axis- time
1 large square=0.20sec, 5=1 sec
horizontal distance becomes a stopwatch!
determine HR from ECG
count large boxes between two R waves
lower number R waves= higher BPM and vise versa
can only do this with normal