Ecclesiasticus 2:3 Flashcards


Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.



Cleave: leave very little room for space,

you holding on tight, you holding on to God and squeezing He say ‘Lighten up a little bit’’

Hug Your Bible, Squeeeeeze it, put it in you, do everything you can do with it to get it in you.

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Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.

Don’t run away…


Cleave unto Him don’t run away from Him.

Why would The Lord do this for me? I messed up. That’s what being a human is all about That’s why the Lord is showing us, don’t desire to be human. We The only Nation with that Mentality. You should be sick of being human.

Scripture Says we should be looking to be changed in the twinkling of an eye that this mortal is supposed to be putting on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:52-53) that this corruption supposed to be looking for uncorruption, We shall not all Sleep but we shall all be changed.

God has instructed His People to look for a change, don’t settle for your present situation.

You Sneezing and Snot coming out this ain’t right, what the hell kind of glory, this ain’t no glory. Allergies, can’t speak, older no more speed You start noticing flaws/limitations

We the only Nation on Earth that’s supposed to expect no limitations

  • The Counsel of God is to you all things are possible. All things! wanna fly, disappear, never die! that’s possible!

(PS 82:6) That power of a god, that energy/force is going to be taken from you and it’s supposed to bother you

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Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.

Here it is we have A God that talks to us like that and…


Here it is we have A God that talks to us like that and we allow the problems of this world to press us down? back ? cause us to condemn ourselves, make us believe we not worthy.

This how God speak to us and because of how you speaking to yourself or someone else to you, you Feel like your not worthy.

Because your mind aint right

If you were cleaving To The Lord like The Scriptures says, you would keep trying

“I tried, I tried to do right but he/she ain’t working with me! You supposed to keep trying, who told you God was ready to deal with you?

Is it the desire of The Righteous? then you supposed to keep trying, those are Righteous desires, you supposed to keep at it and watch how God starts to miraculously open those doors,

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Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.

You supposed to cleave to Him…


You supposed to cleave to Him

very important for The Mindset of The Nation of Israel,

when I come are yall gonna be Believing in what I said, because thats the only way your still going to be here when I return (St Luke 18:8)

You only going to make it by Faith (Habakkuk 2:4, Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11)

If you stop Believing, if you believe in yourself, world, devil, negative things that come into your mind, then its only a matter of time, clock ticking.

Not all of you but a lot of you are going to fall by the wayside.

Said not all of you because when people condemn themselves, God is Greater than your heart and He remaineth Faithful ( 1 John 3:20, 2 Tim 2:13) and He comes and delivers and saves them any ways and shake them up, like what’s the matter with you,

like Peter,

or like He had to shake up those 2 disciples and say (St. Luke 24:25)

cut by Jesus, called slow,

they were fools because they gave up Hope, and they said ( St. Luke 24:19-24) and The Lord Said (St. Luke 24:26) “You didn’t believe it?”

Set your heart aright.

Do you believe it? whatever your going through do. you.

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Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.

Is your Faith strong?


You know how to get your Faith strong?

You got to get That Word in you, constantly read it - not daily news, you going to Start to believe all that

for you to Believe it you must be familiar with it, constantly informed of it, you got to constantly being going over it and going over it and going over it.

Your not connected with God, your disconnected,

your not holding your Bible, your not cleeeeeaving to it! None of The Stories are familiar to you,

so when you go through similar things Written ‘afore time for your learning (Rom 15:4) and you actually going through it, you cant draw no energy/strength from The Word of God because you can’t even remember it.

Now you think you in an isolated position, only one that ever dealt with this and your finished,

because you aint do what The Lord said.

you got to Read that Bible, wear it out, turn pages so much Words disappear, on your fingers

Not wear and tear.

Read it with Favour and pay attention.

Don’t let nothing escape you.

Something as simple as Set Your Heart right, you should have been very interested in this,

this is coming from The Mouth of God and its telling us that when we come into The Truth This is the first thing we got to do,

have I done this?! And am I having a hard time with my self right now ?

is Life good or not good? because no one is supposed to be saying Life ain’t good.

You can say you living in a wicked world and you wish you was in a better Situation but just to be alive is good. So where is your Faith?

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Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.

The only way you supposed to know God is going to deal with you -


The only way you supposed to know God is going to deal with you -

you supposed to do like the men that dealt with God, the mentality/mindset they had. They messed up…

David committed Adultery then tried to kill The Woman’s husband that show you your mind - when you in trouble leave your thoughts alone, you just gonna get in more trouble trying to find a way out, dig a deeper hole for yourself.

You better pick up that Bible, come to counsel!

David committed Adultery thought he was going to get away with it. guess what? The woman was with Child, so now David Panicking, I got an idea… (2 Sam 11)+ husband was Faithful, I can’t… + nothing left to do, must make sure he killed so I can legally take his wife and no one will be none the wiser

That’s what happens when you messed up and you tryna find a wicked way out of it.

So he did that, had him killed

David from his youth - he killed Goliath, this is a man that knew God and somehow at that moment he forgot about God.

This shows you, you got to keep at it!

The Bible Says David took a break, he didn’t keep at it. David was normally at war with everybody…

one look destroyed him, he went over a lot of pain because of that.

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Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.

Here is the point…


Here is the point. How did he deal with God?

(2 Sam 12 )… Thou art the man, from that point the fear of God entered into David’s soul because he was in front of a Prophet, and once the Prophet said you the man, he began to Prophesy. Thus saith The Lord God.

David knew he was finished. The Judgement was Pronounced on David, his household, and the baby that was coming out of that adultery.

But look what David did, he didn’t give up hope in God.

Praying to God for Mercy for life of the child,

He wouldn’t be comforted or eat, he wouldn’t do nothing but pray for the life of the child.

Then the child died.

He combed his hair, put crown on etc.

So Someone asked - he said while the baby was alive who could tell whether the Lord would change His Mind on that Judgement,

so he begged for the life of that Baby,

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Cleave unto him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.

Because its up to God.


because its up to God

(Romans 11:34) You don’t know that God gave up on you or is so angry with you that He won’t have mercy.

David Said while he was yet alive who could tell what God would do,

once Judgement was Set and life left that body, coming from The Psalms sung by David All of Your Judgements are Righteous and True

He didn’t have a problem with or hate God, he knew that All God’s Judgements are Righteous,

He Said “I know I’m dealing with A Merciful God,

I’m gonna beg for Mercy until God tells me there is none.”

Set your heart aright.

You in a situation and feel too wicked to come to God,

There Is a Word of God for everything.

David was in a Serious Situation where God was angry at him for his own wickedness and he still felt like he had a right to come to God

because that’s the kind of God that we deal with - A Compassionate and merciful God Read on!

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