Colossians 1:22 Flashcards


In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:


Christ died on The Cross, presented His Body blameless before God

so you can have an opportunity to always come to God no matter how bad you think the situation is

and if you Believing like you supposed to be and its imputed to you for righteousness then you can be presented holy to God, ready for The Masters use.

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

but your opinion


while you got people tryna talk about you, degrade, put you down, accuse you and blame you - In the eyes of God you are unblameable unrebukable (I Timothy 6:14)

in other words everybody got they opinion and they have a right to it,

but the Good Word of God Says (Ecclesiasticus 3:24)

Now you can have a right to your opinion, but your opinion hath deceived you.

it caused think a way about an individual that is not true,

now you have that problem thats there problem, not yours, Just live your life

You realize you in a very wicked society where there are people out here who hate you just for what you believe in or look like… how many of these people do you actually know. Not until they make they self know, walking and hear nigger! You around these people all the time, but because you not focused on them you able to live your life peaceably while they stop they life just to watch you walk by, they whole day messed up, it aint until you stopped to realize your being hated, to pay attention to what’s really going on, that some body that don’t even know you got a problem with you .. and some of you actually waste your time on that, why?! Why does it bother you ? you supposed to be on the level that even when they curse you out you laugh - “damn you mad, calm down you don’t want no heart problems!”

the most you would do is shake your head at a faggot that want to make world know, but you able to work your Jobs, eat at restaurants etc

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

Lets address the issue of hate and being a hate group…


Lets address the issue of hate and being a hate group

which is what they accuse us of, I don’t give a damn what they accuse Us of but if you want to ask me ill tell you about it you can’t tell nobody that’s black about a hate group, when did you get a chance to redefine what a hate group is. The African-American Judite brought over here in slave Ships are the experts on what a hate group is. Impossible to tell someone black they full of hate because unless you see them doing what they experienced themselves… see we know what hate is what it looks like how it can become a part of a so-called law abiding society, we know how laws Of hate feel and you gonna try to tell us about a hate group? ask any black person what’s a hate group - “someone that put a hood over head”, hate you for the color of their skin, so consumed with hatred won’t let you drink from same water fountain, will chase and hang you if in wrong neighborhood, beat you to death, drag you tied to they truck where you can’t even go to the police because laws are protecting the people that hate you, WHO IS THE HATE GROUP? whole country that put in their constitution you 3/5 of a man. Now you get to redefine hate group, its not people that chase people down and commit crimes based off what they believe in?

its people that have opinions and don’t like certain things? then that puts everyone in the category of an hate group, Catholics, methodists etc - That feel you shouldn’t get abortion, can’t have sex before marriage (which they wrong on that) but they won’t put you in a headlock and commit no crimes because of what they believe in you are stilll classified as a hate group? when did that happen and when did people start believing that nonsense? Talk to us about what hate is who have experienced for 100s of years.

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

Stop tryna kill the messenger ok…


what you think the Tornadoes, Typhoons etc about? God send these upon the wicked.

Lying TD Jakes say God wouldn’t do that, what would Jesus do? He would kill your 1st born thats what He would do! He said (Leviticus 20:13) why you mad at me because I told you what God said and you don’t want to hear it?

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

So we don’t have to be ashamed.


So we don’t have to be ashamed.

Remember what God said, Blessed is He who is not ashamed in me,

you supposed to know what this Truth is about, what It Stands for,

and how this world is hypocritical and how Satan is an expert at turning things upside down and tryna make you feel like you are wrong for speaking right(Isaiah 29:21) they cause you to be the one causing the offence because you speaking right and everyone else, who is not, is a role model and hero

im 6’9 and gay “this guy is amazing, took such courage.

This is amazing, but this is the world of satan,

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

Your contract


some of you want to be praised in satan’s world, you want him not to have a problem with you,

thats not the deal we made with God, go back and read your contract,

you signed up to be hated by the world,

expect it

You supposed to glorify God, lifting up your head to heaven knowing that your reward is great in Heaven (St Matt 5:10-12)

You got some people ashamed to stand on God’s side, but when God show up you gonna be in some trouble,

Better go back and read this contract, better know what it is you signed up for.

No servant is greater than His Master,

world will hate you like Him,

you coming delivering same Message He did,

The World hated Him because ( St. John7:7, 15:18-21) He was going through the same thing you see happening now, they wanted to condone and Praise wickedness and Christ, John the Baptist and rest of The Holy Apostles was speaking against wickedness and the world had a problem with them for that.

Why did John the Baptist get his head cut off? because he kicked open the door and said it is unlawful (St. Mark 6:17-20) and his wife hated John because he spoke against her wickedness until she was able to get him and he was delivered into prison and had his head chopped off because he spoke The Word of God,

this The Truth, not the whole world loving you

the minute a group of wierdos go in a room to elect a new pope, black white smoke - witch coven, new papa - new clown - naked boys jumping out of cakes, get respect of whole world, kissing some body ring…

How upside down the world is, a normal religion that just has their beliefs cant be left alone but something as bizarre as this is celebrated by the whole world and You cant tell we in the world of the devil?

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

Who cares what people say…


Christ Sacrificed Himself to present you Holy Unblameable:

who cares what people say, they wicked as hell,

hire private investigator to follow these people all kind of stuff will come out, like it do,

they sitting there making reports about you wearing high heels and stockings and you a man, like what the hell happened man? what was going on in your life?

But they want to accuse you of all things

(Revelations 12:10) expect the accusations, lies, false reports.

Its Something thats always been happening, esp. with law enforcement,

biggest liars and criminals on earth. People don’t believe in good cops bad cops no more, why If you looking for corruption you ain’t starting with your own organization 1st? So that people can have confidence in it that you are Righteous and will do the right thing,

show you how long this tradition of being corrupt in law enforcement is.

(St. Luke 3:14) 1st thing: bare false witness against no man: what they were doing, setting people up and lying, Setting glove on floor and saying it was OJs.

Content: covetous cats, they give them power to kill people but don’t pay them enough so now they mad when they see you and think you got more money than them, pull over!

Last one, still ongoing like all 3, Do violence to no man: what they think, they have that power and it goes to they head and they go overboard.

We in the end of world and Society aint fix this yet? they still talking about it like its normal.

God forbid one of them die, the whole world coming to an end, but if they kill one of us its like a dog died.

And people say this right, let law deal with it, let it go through The system.

He that is higher than the Highest, HE will Judge the matter (Ecclesiastes 5:8)

that every body did will get Judged and there is no respect of persons.

Who will take you seriously if you don’t keep the law you enforce, means you have a culture in your department where you believe you above the law, that it don’t apply to you. Don’t park in bus stop then you park there and get Spanish food

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

We cannot be checked…


We cannot be checked,

please don’t let satan mess you up to try and persecute the Israelites, cant do nothing to us.

Picket us til you drive us out of town? Dispatch, calling all units, report back to HQ. line to speak will be so long, next speaker “Picket yourself.’ - I’ll hold your spot ahch go get me a Sandwich

What you really gonna do to us, we will be speaking til the Lord come back!

Giuliani tried that… The Israelites are not quite like everybody else (W.O.S. 2:15)

God delivered the Israelite Church Of God In Jesus Christ from the Giuliani administration.

While you sitting there tryna blame and rebuke us we are Unreproveable,

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

The only thing that matters…


the only thing that matters is how Good feels about us

who cares what a wicked Society think or feel,

Same people who support homos, not outraged.

Bernard kerik, Commissioner for NYPD - Top cop went to Jail for corruption

FBI, corrupt history , J Edgar hoover, all tapes on how they was dealing with MLK, murdered black Panthers

and now we supposed to believe all of sudden miraculous change, no longer corrupt and when you want to get rid of law abiding citizens you don’t just make stuff up?

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In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

We know your angle but…


we know your angle but difference with ICGJC

we GOD protected Always have and will be. There is A Mighty God behind us and He Is Alive and well

we not mlk, black Panthers etc.

There going to see our Passovers and rapid growth and get angry and want to hate

but there is nothing you can do we established,

what 2012 is all about, we established (they gonna want and try and stop us)

The Israelites are here, we aint going nowhere,

you can protest, lie, whatever you want to do,

we here to do what God created us to do (lying and stuff wont bother us) and we are very successful at it

we will enjoy these blessings, all of the Promises thats coming, being in the right mindset only IF …


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