EC2 Flashcards
What is EC2 Instance?
EC2 is a web service that provide resizable compute instance in the cloud.
What are available EC2 Pricing Models?
- On Demand Pricing.
- Reserved Pricing
- Spot Pricing
- Dedicated Host Pricing
In which Scenario On Demand Pricing works?
- Users who don’t want up front payment or long term commitment.
- Application which has unpredicted workloads which cant be interrupted.
- Applications which are developed or tested for First time in AWS.”
In which Scenario Reserved Pricing works?
Users are able to make upfront payment.
Applications with predictable work loads
In which Scenario Spot Pricing works?
Applications can be feasible only on low cost.
Applications which has feasible timings.
Users who want large amount of capacity on flexible timeline.
In which Scenario Dedicated Host works?
Dedicated Host is used where multi tenant virtualization is not applicable like regulatory requirement, Software license.
What are available EC2 Instance Types?
How AWS calculate Spot Instance Termination Charges?
“If AWS terminate the instance in a partial hour you will not be charged.
If User terminate the instance in a partial hour you will be charged.”
How to encrypt root volume?
“1. Root volume can be encrypted during Instance creation - Add Storage stage.
2. if encryption is not created during instance creation-
Encrypt snapshot while creating snapshot of root volume.
Create AMI on encrypted snapshot & create an instance out of it which will have encrypted root volume.”
How to protect accidental ec2 instance termination?
We need to select “Protect against accidental termination” option during EC2 instance creation.
What will happens to root volume when instance is terminated?
In General Root volume will be Deleted Automatically when instance is terminated
however in case of EBS you can persist the root volume after termination.
what is EBS?
Amazon Elastic Block Storage provide persistent block storage volume for EC2 instance like Hard drive.
EBS volumes can persist independently from the life of the instance.
It can be dynamically change the configuration of a volume attached to an instance.
What is Security Groups?
“Security Group act as a virtual firewall for EC2 instance.
Security Group control all inbound & outbound network traffic of EC2 instance.”
What are Different EBS Storage volume?
- General Purpose.
- Provisioned IOPS.
- Throughput Optimized.
- Cold Hard Disk Drive.
- Magnetic
EC2 comes under which group?
Compute Group
What is AMI?
Amazon Machine Image provides information required to launch an EC2 instance.
What is Cloud Watch?
Cloud watch is an monitoring service which monitor AWS resources & applications that run on AWS.
How long does it takes to implement security group changes?
How to set EC2 Instance outbound rules?
EC2 Instance outbound rules can be set in security group.
How to block a port in security group?
You cant block a port in security group.
You can only allow a port in security group.
By default all ports are blocked in a security group.
what is default setting for security group?
By default all ports are blocked in a security group.
How many EC2 can we have in a security group?
1 to many
how many security group can we have in a EC2 instance ?
1 to many
can we have EBS volume & EC2 in different region?
No; We need to have EC2 & EBS in same region to operate fast.
can we modify EBS volume with out stopping EC2 instance?
what is snapshot?
Snapshots are point-in-time back up of data.
how multiple snapshot are taken?
Snapshots are incremental backups, which means that only the blocks on the device that have changed after your most recent snapshot are saved.
how to take snapshot of root volume?
EBS->Volume->Actions->Create Snapshot.
how to create AMI of your EC2 instance?
EBS->Volume->Actions->Create Snapshot.
EBS->Snapshot->Actions->Create Image.
how to move one EC2 to another AZ?
Create a Snapshot.
Create a AMI.
Create a EC2 instance from AMI in another AZ.
How to move one EC2 to another Region?
Create a Snapshot.
Copy Snapshot to another region.
Create a AMI.
Create a EC2 instance from AMI.
what are AMI types?
Region specific AMI OS specific AMI 32bit / 64bit Architecture Specific AMI Launch Permission specific AMI Root Device Storage specific AMI
Instance Store Volume is also called as Ephemeral storage.
What is ENI?
Elastic Network Interface is a virtual network card on AWS VPC.
What is ENA?
Elastic Network Adaptor enhance network performance of EC2 Instance.
What is EFA?
Elastic Fabric Adaptor - Used for High Performance Computing & ML application.
We can do OS by pass in EFA.”
What is Encrypted volume
Volumes whose data is Encrypted at REST.
Does Snapshot of encrypted root volume is encrypted?
Does Volumes created from Encrypted snapshot are encrypted?
Can you share encrypted snapshot?
No; Only unencrypted snapshot can be shared.
What is Spot Instance?
Amazon EC2 Spot Instance let you take advantage of unused EC2 capacity in AWS Cloud.
Spot Instance are 90% cheaper compare to On demand pricing.
What is Spot Price?
Spot price is the maximum price you offer to pay for instance.
Instance will be provisioned when spot price is below maximum spot price.
What is Spot Block?
Spot Blocks are used to stop instance termination if spot prices goes above max spot price.
In what scenarios Spot instance not good for?
Persistent Workloads.
Critical Jobs.
In what scenarios Spot instance good for?
"Big Data CI/CD High performance computing web services image & media rendering"
What is Spot Fleets?
Spot Fleets are collection of spot instances.
What is Launch Pool?
Spot fleets will try and match target capacity with in your price limits.
What is EC2 Hibernate?
EC2 hibernation store RAM contents to EBS root volume.
When you reboot instance previous RAM content will be restored automatically.
This is fastest way of booting EC2 instance.
Which scenario EC2 Hibernate will be useful?
Services that take long time to initialize.
What is the Max no of days instance can be hibernated?
60 Days
What is Max RAM limit for EC2 Hibernate?
150 GB
EC2 Hibernate available for which type of instance?
On Demand & Reserved Instance.
List of items Cloud watch can monitor?
Compute: EC2 Instance, Auto scaling Groups , Elastic Load Balancer
Network: Route 53 health Checks, CloudFront
Storage: EBS Volume & Storage Gateway
What is AWS Cloud Trail?
AWS CloudTrail track user activity & API usage.
CloudTrail is all about Auditing.
What is Standard Monitoring time interval for CloudWatch ?
5 min
What is Detailed Monitor time interval for CloudWatch ?
1 min
What we can generate using CloudWatch?
What is IAM Roles?
IAM role is an collection of specific permissions.
IAM role can be assigned to any users.
What is EC2 bootstrap scripts?
Scripts which is executed during instance creation.
What is Instance meta data?
Data about instance like Public & Private IP:
Meta data: Http://
User data: Http://”
What is EFS?
EFS - Elastic File System
EFS is a file storage service for EC2 instance.
EFS storage capacity is elastic; It can grow & shrink size automatically as we add & remove files.”
What is NFS?
Network File System
How far EFS can scale?
EFS can scale up to Petabyte.
What is Amazon FSx for Windows?
It’s a fully managed Microsoft Windows File system.
Used for windows based application.
Built on Windows File Server.
What is Amazon FSx for Lustre?
It’s a fully managed File system optimized for high performance computing.
Used for ML based application.
What are different types of EC2 placement groups?
- Cluster Placement Group
- Spread Placement Group
- Partitioned Placement Group
What is Cluster placement group?
Cluster Placement Group is a group of EC2 instances which can run only on a Single AZ.
Cluster Placement Group can not span multiple AZ.
Cluster Placement Group is used for low network latency & High network throughput.
What is Spread Placement Group?
Spread Placement Group contain small group of EC2 instances which are placed on distinct hardware to reduce failures.
Spread Placement Group can span multiple AZ.”
What is Partitioned Placement Group?
Partitioned Placement Group spreads your EC2 instances across logical partitions such that groups of instances in one partition do not share the underlying hardware with groups of instances in different partitions.
This strategy is typically used by large distributed and replicated workloads.
Partitioned Placement Group can span multiple AZ.
What are Placement Group naming constraint?
Placement group names should be unique with in AWS account.
Can you move instance in/out of placement group using AWS Console?
NO it is allows only using AWS CLI / AWS SDK.
AWS Console cant move instance in/out of placement group.
What is HPC?
High Performance Computing
What are the main components of HPC?
Data Transfer
Compute & Network
Automation & Orchestration
What is AWS Direct Connect?
AWS Direct Connect is a cloud service which establish dedicated network connection from your on-premises infrastructure to AWS.
You can establish a private connection between your Data Center & AWS.”
What is AWS Batch?
AWS Batch Run 1000s of Batch jobs in AWS.
What is AWS Parallel Cluster?
AWS Parallel Cluster is a cluster management tool that helps you to deploy and manage High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters on AWS.
How to achieve max Data transfer between On-premise datacenter to AWS?
Off Line Data Transfer: Snowball & Snowmobile.
On Line Data Transfer: AWS Data Sync & AWS Direct Connect.
How to achieve max Computing?
Create EC2 Instance that are GPU / CPU optimized.
Create EC2 instance in (Spot Instance / Spot Fleets)
Create EC2 instance Cluster Placement Groups
How to achieve max Network?
ENI - Elastic Network Interface
ENA - Enhanced Network Adaptor
EFA - Elastic Fabric Adaptor
How to achieve max Storage?
Instance Storage: EBS & Instance Store
Network Storage: S3, EFS & FSx for Luster”
How to achieve max Orchestration & automation?
AWS Batch & AWS Parallel Cluster.
What s AWS WAF?
It’s a web application firewall which monitor Http/https request for AWS CloudFront/Load Balancer/API gateway
EBS snapshot are backed up to s3 in what manner?
To retrieve instance metadata or user data which ip address we need to use?
If I terminate EC2 instance; will EBS root volume persist?
No unless “Delete on termination” is unchecked for root volume.
When creating a new security group all inbound traffic is allowed by default?
False; During creation nothing is allowed.
Spread placement group can be deployed across multiple az?
if ebs volume is attached as an additional disk can I detach it without stopping instance?
which one provide least expensive EBS options?
Cold HDD
use of cluster placement group is ideal for?
High network throughput
what type of storage an ebs volume based on?
Block based
to help you manage ec2 you can assign your own metadata in the form of?
what is the aws cli command should is use to create snapshot of ebs volume?
aws ec2 create-snapshot
what are valid underlying hypervisor for ec2?
nitro & xen
which ec2 feature uses SR-IOV?
When updating a policy used by IAM role attached to EC2 instance; what need to happened for the change to get in effect?
to enable encryption at rest using EC2 & EBS what we need to do?
encrypt storage
can spared placement group deploy across multiple AZ?
when can you attach & detach IAM role on an EC2 instance?
“No Role Instance - Stopped/Running
Replace Role - Instance should be Running”
where in AWS infra EC2 is provisioned?
in AZ
can I delete snapshot of root device of EBS used by registered AMI?
which service would you use to run a general windows file server?
FSx for windows
standard reserved instance can be moved between region?
is it possible to perform API actions on an existing EBS snapshot?
Yes; you can use API,CLI or console to create snapshot, copy snapshot & create volume from snapshot
how to find public & private IP address of an EC2 instance?
What are Reserved Pricing Types?
- Standard Reserved Instance.
- Convertible Reserved Instance.
- Scheduled Reserved Instance.”
Which file service runs Windows Server Message Block
Windows FSx
Which file service runs Network File System?