DB Flashcards
What is abbreviation of RDS?
Relational database Service.
Is RDS is serverless?
No RDS is not serverless
Is aurora serverless?
Basic Aurora is not serverless
Is aurora serverless is serverless ?
Yes aurora serverless is serverless
List of database engines available in AWS RDS?
What are the two main features of RDS?
Multi AZ & Read Replica are main features of RDS
What is the purpose of Multi AZ?
Disaster Recovery is the main purpose of Multi AZ
What is the purpose of Read Replica?
Read Replica is user for Performance
In case of DB failure; DB failover in Multi AZ is it automatic?
Yes in Multi AZ failover is automatic.
In case of DB failure; DB failover in Read Replica is it automatic?
NO in Read Replica failover is not automatic
Maximum no of Read replica AWS RDS support?
What is abbreviation of OLTP?
Online Transaction Processing
What is abbreviation of OLAP?
Online Analytic Processing
What is ElastiCache?
ElastiCache is a DB cache service for AWS
What is Redshift?
Redshift is AWS Data warehouse Service used for OLAP
What is Dynamodb?
Dynamodb is a no sql database service
RDS Service is used for what type of DB operation?
RDS is used for OLTP operations
What is the default port no for MySQL?
Can you able to access to DB VM?
What are the different types of backups available for RDS?
Automated Backup & DB Snapshot
What is max retention period for Automated backup?
35 Days
Where do we store automated backup in AWS?
If we restore DB Backup will it be restored in Existing DB or new database?
All database backup are restored only to New database.
Can we encrypt RDS database?
Yes; RDS DB can be encrypted at rest.
If encryption is enabled for DB does it apply for DB related items?
Yes; Encryption is applied for Read Replica, Backup & snapshot
To enable read replica what needs to be enabled?
Automated backup need to be enabled To enable read replica
Can you have read replica of read replica?
Yes; we can have read replica of read replica
Does Read replica has same DNS end point?
No; Each read replica has different DNS endpoint
Can you have read replica in different AZ?
Can you have read replica in different Region?
What is the downside; if you enable Read replica as main db?
Replication will be broken.
In DynamoDB database data is stored in which type of disk?
What is the DynamoDB default setup for data replication?
DynamoDB Spread on 3 distinct data center
What are the read models available for DynamoDB ?
Eventual Read & Strong Read
What is Eventual Read?
Latency > 1 sec
What is Strong Read?
Latency < 1 sec
What is DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)?
Fully managed, highly available in memory cache for DynamoDB
Does DAX Support both Read & write performance?
What is DAX Response time?
DAX Respond within a Microsecond
What is DynamoDB Transaction capacity?
25 items or 4 MB of data
Does DynamoDB enable point in time recovery by default?
What are streams in Dynamo DB?
Streams are the time order sequence of item level changes in a table.
Stream values are stored for how long?
24 Hrs
Stream stores what type of data?
Insert, update & delete
How to get Store Procedure functionality in Stream ?
Stream with Lambda function provide Store Procedure functionality
How fast does Data replication take place?
1 Second
What is DMS?
Database Migration Service
What are the different Node config available for Redshift?
Single node & multi node
How AWS charge Redshift usage?
Based on Compute node hrs, backup & data transfer
Can we configure Redshift in multi AZ?
Aurora support which db engines?
MySQL & PostgreSQL
Does Aurora backup affect performance?
Aurora backup is set by default?
Can you share aurora snapshot to other aws accounts?
What are 2 caching engine for elastic cache?
Memcached & Redis
Where we use Memcached?
Memcached is used for Simple caching.
Where we use Redis?
Redis is used for Complex caching.
where we use elasticache?
We use along in web application performance?
Redis is Multi AZ?
Can you do back up & restore on Redis?
EMR Abbreviation?
Elastic Map Reduce
What is EMR?
EMR is a Cloud based big data platform.
How does EMR operates?
EMR Operate in Cluster of EC2 Instance.
In EMR each EC2 instance is called as?
What are different type of EMR Nodes?
Master Node
Core Node
Task Node
What is EMR Master node?
Master Node Manages Cluster
What is EMR Core node?
Core Node handle software that runs task & store data
What is EMR Task node?
Task Node handle software that runs task & not to store data; Its optional Node.
Where does RDS runs?
RDS Runs on Virtual Machines
Can you update RDS instance?
No you don’t have access to RDS VM; RDS VM will be maintained by AWS.
Why Read Replica is used for?
Read Replica is used for performance.
Is dynamo DB serverless?
What is default backup retention period for RedShift?
1 day
What is max backup retention period for RedShift?
35 days
What we can use to enable caching on Multi AZ?
How many copy of data available for Redsift?
3 - Original, Replica & Backup
How many copy of data available for Aurora?
What is max aurora replica?
What is max MySQL replica?
What is max PostgreSQL replica?