EBP/ Informatics Flashcards
Explain the sources of nursing knowledge: TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE
Knowledge handed down from one generation to another
Explain the sources of nursing knowledge: AUTHORITATIVE KNOWLEDGE
What your clinical instructor, preceptor, staff nurse tells you
Explain the sources of nursing knowledge: SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE
Knowledge with evidence (with research)
Discuss the four common concepts in nursing theories
A person in this model is a patient who can accumulate their own powers to recover from the disease.
Ex: Nightingale did not provide a specific definition of a person in the context of nursing, and she referred to a patient as any individual requiring a nurse’s care.
Nightingale believed that a person becomes healthy as a result of natural laws, and it is possible to manipulate environmental factors to support health.
Ex: Health is not discussed as the absence of a disease but as a result of influencing environmental factors and accumulating the power a person has to become healthy.
The key component of Nightingale’s model. The environment “that promotes health allows the patient to retain their energy, or vital powers for use towards self-healing”.
Ex: The physical environment includes such elements as ventilation, cleanliness, warming, light, noise, bedding, and food. There are also social and psychological environments.
Art and science, the modification of an environment to assist a patient. According to Nightingale, “I use the word nursing for want of a better. It has been limited to signify little more than the administration of medicines and the application of poultices”.
Ex: Nurses should be well-trained to address patients’ needs when managing the environment.
Discuss the interdependence of nursing practice, research and theory
“Nursing as a discipline is defining its own independent functions and contributions to health care. It is important to develop and use nursing theory in the practice of nursing. Theory provides specific knowledge to the discipline to carry out interventions based on sound rationales and allows members to be viewed by others as experts.”
Opening the windows in daytime allowing sunlight into the room, taking pt out for fresh air and sun, tidy up pts room, offer healthy/good food, during naps or night time minimize nose and light
Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research
Quantitative research:
*Information (Data) the researcher collects from subjects in the study are expressed in numbers.
Types of quantitative research =
Descriptive: Describing concepts and identifying relationships between events often used to generate NEW knowledge about topics with little or no prior research
Correlation: Examine the degree of relationship between two or more variables
Quasi-experimental: Examine the cause and effect relationship between selected variables often conducted in clinical setting
Experimental: Same as quasi-experimental, although often conducted in a laboratory setting
Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research
Qualitative research:
Primarily analyzes words or narratives (perceptions) rather than numbers
Explain the levels of evidence for intervention questions
1) At the base: Expert opinion
2) Case studies and case series, qualitative and descriptive studies, evidence based practice, implementation, and QI projects
3) Uncontrolled cohort studies
4) Controlled cohort studies
5) Randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
6) Systematic reviews
as you go up the hierarchy of evidence pyramid, the biases are more controlled (less bias) and the outcome of the study is more consistent
Discuss the parts of a research journal article
Abstract: Beginning of the article; summarize the entire article and provides the purpose of the study
Introduction: Consists of review of literature and specific purpose of the study
Method: Include the subject of the study, the research design, what data were collected and how the data is analyze
Results: The results (findings) are presented both in words and charts, tables or graphs
Discussion (Conclusions): Reports what the results mean in regard to the purpose of the study and the literature review; include suggestions for further research and application to nursing theory / practice
References: Found at the end of the article, include a list of articles and books used by the researcher
Develop a PICOT question
P - Patient, population or problem of interest:
Need for explicit description, may include setting, limiting to subgroups (such as by age)
I - Intervention of interest:
The more defined, the more focused the search of literature will be; may include exposure, treatment, patient perception, diagnostic test or predicting factor
C - Comparison of interest:
Usually a comparison to another treatment or usual standard of care
O - Outcome of interest:
Specifically identifying the outcome to enable a literature search to find evidence that examined the same outcome, perhaps in different ways
T - Time:
The time when the comparison of interest is completed and the outcome can be evaluated
Describe the steps of evidence-based practice process
Step 0: Cultivate a spirit of inquiry
Step 1: Ask a burning clinical question in PICOT format
Step 2: Search for and collect the most relevant best evidence
Step 3: Critically appraise the evidence
Step 4: Integrate the best evidence with one’s clinical practice
Step 5: Evaluate the outcomes of the practice decision or change based on evidence
Step 6: Disseminate the outcomes of the evidence-based practice decision or change
Discuss the interdependence of nursing practice, research and theory
Nursing theory development and nursing research activities are directed toward developing nursing practice standards.
first we question what we’re doing, then we do research because we want evidence, based our practice to be evidence based and find a better way
Define nursing informatics, its scope, and standards
Nursing informatics has three components. We have the Nursing science, the analytical science and the information management.
-Nursing science is a combination of physical sciences and behavioral sciences
(It’s a holistic approach in taking care of an individual, a family unit and community to improve health outcomes)
-Analytical science is the analysis and interpretation of data using statistical methodology.
-Information management deals with how we communicate (with technology)
Define nursing informatics, its scope, and standards
Nursing informatics identifies, defines, manages, and communicates data into information then into knowledge then into wisdom.
Describe the two types of nurse informaticists and their responsibilities
*Information nurse (NI)
an interest or experience in an informatics field
has assisted with the implementation of an electronic health record (EHR)
considered a “superuser” (describing someone who has become a system expert and can navigate the EHR with ease)
training being primarily on the job
has a minimum of a masters degree
*Informatics nurse specialist (INS)
with formal graduate-level education
responsible for strategy development, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of the clinical information system (CIS) with collaboration with multiple disciplines
Describe how the system development lifecycle process can be used to ensure the successful implementation of a new electronic health record
PHASE 1: analyze and plan
PHASE 2: design and develop
PHASE 3: test
PHASE 4: train
PHASE 5: implement
PHASE 6: maintain
PHASE 7: evaluate
Discuss terms basic to informatics
System Usability (end user in thought)
System Optimization (maintenance phase)
Standard Terminologies
Interoperability (pts and family communication with providers)
Security and Privacy of Electronic Data (HIPAA)
Blockchain (r/t privacy and security methods like encrypting data)
Discuss emerging areas in the field of informatics
Patient Portal (PHR - Personal Health Record)
Health Care Analytics
Data Visualization
Predictive Analytics
Big Data
Telehealth and Mobile Technologies
Hospital at Home
Unique Nurse Identifiers (Pyxis)
Genetics and Genomics Precision Medicine