Eating, Sleeping, & Sexual Dysfunction Flashcards
Prolonged refusal to eat adequate amounts of food and an altered perception of what constitutes a normal minimum body weight caused by an intense fear of becoming obese. Primarily affects adolescent females; emaciation and amenorrhea may result.
Anorexia Nervosa
Eating disorder in which the individual eats large quantities of food and then purges the body through self-induced vomiting or inappropriate use of laxatives.
Bulimia Nervosa
Abnormal activation of physiologic functions during the sleep cycle. Examples include sleep terrors, in which repeated episodes of sudden awakening are accompanied by intense anxiety, agitation, amnesia, and somnambulism.
Indifference or unresponsiveness to sexual stimuli; inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse. Formerly called frigidity.
Hypoactive Sexual Disorder
Relentless drive to achieve sexual orgasm in the female. In the male, the condition is called satyriasis.
Inability to enjoy sexual pleasure.
Sexual Anhedonia