Eating disorders Flashcards
What is the epidemiology of eating disorders?
- Young woman (<22) in developed countries
What is the screening tool used to diagnose an eating disorder?
S - Make yourself Sick
C - Lost Control over how much you eat
O - Lost more than One stone in 3 month period
F - Do you believe you are Fat when others say you are thing
F - Does Food dominate your life
What are the features of Anorexia Nervosa?
- Restriction of intake to reduce weight
- Rely on compulsory behaviours when food cannot be avoided (vomiting, laxative abuse, excessive exercise)
- BMI 17.5 or < = Anorexic
- Fear of weight gain
What symptoms are associated with anorexia nervosa?
1 - Cold intolerance
2 - Blue hands and feet
3 - Primary or secondary amenorrhea
4 - Hypotension
What is bulimia nervosa?
- Episodes of binge eating with a sense of loss of control
- Binge eating followed by compensatory behaviour of purging or non-purging type
- Binges and the resulting compensatory behaviour must occur for a minimum of 2 times per week for 3 months
What are the signs and symptoms of bulimia nervosa?
- Mouth sores
- Pharyngeal trauma
- Dental decay
- Heartburn
- Esophageal rupture
- Impulsivity
- Swollen parotid glands
What is the difference between binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa?
Binge eating disorder does not have purging behaviours
What might an anorexic person do to avoid intake of calories?
1 - Become vegetarian or vegan
2 - Developing dislikes
3 - Eating very slowly
4 - Avoiding parties and social occasions
What methods might an anorexic person use to get rif of calories?
1 - Self-induced vomiting
2 - Chewing and spitting out
3 - Overexercise
4 - Overactivity (obsessive housework)
5 - Cooling - opening windows etc.
What othe behaviours might someone with an eating disorder display?
1 - Body-checking
2 - Displaying emaciation so as to get shocked attention
3 - Checking pro-anorexia websites
What are the consequences of eating disorders?
1 - Psychological consequences
2 - Social consequences
3 - Physical consequences
What are the psychological consequences of eating disorders?
1 - Extreme overevaluation of low weight & thin/lean shape
2 - Obsessive weight-losing feels like a solution
3 - Cognitive style shows narrowed focus of interest and reduced central coherence
4 - Unable to interpret emotion
5 - Fail to develop other ways to cope with life stresses
What are the physical consequences of eating disorders?
1 - Heart arrythmias (reduced potassium caused by purging behaviours)
2 - Reduced immunity to infections
3 - Anaemia
4 - Bone loss
5 - Fertility problems
What are the general categories of causes of eating disorders?
1 - Predisposing
2 - Precipitating
3 - Perpetuating
What are thought to be the predisposing factors and likely causes that leads someone to develop anorexia nervosa?
Predisposing factors - Obsessionality
1) Major life events (transitions at school, conflicts, losses, stresses)
2) Puberty
3) Dieting or non-deliberate weight loss
4) Increased exercise