eating disorders Flashcards
Which psychiatric disorder has the highest mortality rate
Anorexia nervosa
What are the essential diagnostic features of anorexia nervosa
- BMI<18.5 or significant weight loss greater than 20% in 6 months
- Not better explained by another condition
- Relies on compulsive compensatory behaviours when food has to be consumed such as vomiting or excessive exercise
- Extreme fear of weight gain
- Excessive pre-occupation with body weight and shape
- Amenorrhoea
What are the clinical signs of anorexia nervosa
- Cold intolerance
- Blue hands and feet
- Constipation
- Delayed puberty
- Amenorrhoea
- Dry skin
- Fainting
- Hypotension
- Lanugo hair
- Scalp hair loss
- Early satiety
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Short stature
- Ostopenia - low bone density
- Osteoporosis
What are the warning signs of anorexia nervosa
- Avoiding meals
- Eating in secret
- Slow eating
- Cooking for others but not eating
- Raiding the fridge
- Leaving as soon as finished eating
- Daily exercise
- Denial of dieting
- Excessive stressors
- Baggy clothing
- reads food labels all the time
What are the diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa
- Episodes of binge eating with a sense of loss of control
- The bing eating is followed by compensatory behaviour such as purging e. g laxatives or self induced vomiting
- These binge and compensatory behaviours must occur atleast once a week for at least a month within the last 3 months
- Body dissatisfaction
- Marked distress with behabiours
What are the signs and symptos of bulimia nervosa
Mouth sores
Pharyngeal trauma
Dental caries
Heartburn, chest pain
Esophageal rupture
Alcohol abuse
Muscle cramps
Bloody diarrhoea
Irregular periods
Swollen parotid glands
What is binge eating disorder
Similar to bulimia nervosa in terms of the binges of eating large amounts of food but without the purging which is done in bulimia
What is TIDE
Type 1 Diabetes with an eating disorder
What is OSFED
Other specified feeding or eating disorder
What is atypical anorexia
Anorexia actions but with a normal weight
What conditions are considered OSFED
Atypical anorexia
Atypical bulimia
Purging disorder
Night eating syndrome
What is atypical bulimia
Binges dont occur as often
What is purging disorder
Purging but without the binge eating
What are the consequences of starvation syndrome
- Delayed gastric emptying which gives a sensation of fullness
- Obsession with body image
- Narrowing focus with changes of values
What is the management of eating disorders
- Re-feeding
- Mantra
- Antidepressants
- Olanzapine - atypical antipsychotic
- Family based therapy