Eating Disorders Flashcards
Anorexia Nervosa DSM-V Criteria
1) Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to MARKEDLY LOW BODY WEIGHT
2) Fear of weight gain or behaviors to avoid weight gain
3) Body image disturbance, denial of seriousness of illness, undue influence of body weight/shape on self-evaluation
(No amenorrhea criterion)
Anorexia Nervosa Behavior
1) Restricting eating / fasting
2) Exercise
3) Binging
4) Vomiting
5) Laxatives / enemas
6) Diuretics
7) Diet pills / stimulants
8) Weighing, shape checking, comparison making
9) Food rules, calorie counting
Bulimia Nervosa DSM-V Criteria
1) Recurrent binge eating
2) Recurrent compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain (vomiting, exercise, etc.)
3) On average: 1x/wk x 3mo
4) Self evaluation unduly influenced by body shape and weight
5) Does not occur exclusively during episodes of anorexia nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa Behaviors
1) Bingeing
2) Restricting eating / fasting
3) Exercise
4) Vomiting
5) Laxatives / enemas
6) Diuretics
7) Diet pills / stimulants
8) Weighing, shape checking, comparison making
9) Food rules, calorie counting
Binge Eating Disorder
Bingeing without compensatory behavior
Associated with being overweight / obesity
More equal gender distribution
More adult onset
Eating DO NOS
Binge Eating DO
Sub-syndromal Anorexia
Sub-syndromal Bulimia
Epidemiology of Eating Disorders
1% prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa
2-4% prevalence of Bulimia Nervosa
ED-NOS has higher prevalence
F:M -> 1:6 - 1:20
Peak onset for AN 15-19yrs
Peak onset for BN 18-23yrs
Crossover from AN to BN 8-62%
Prognosis of Anorexia Nervosa
46.9% recovery
33.5% improvement
20.8% chronicity
5% mortality
Prognosis of Bulimia Nervosa
47.5% recovery
26% improvement
26% chronicity
0.7% mortality