eating disorders Flashcards
eating disorders in males
emphasis on fitness
lean muscularity
stringent weight requirements for certain sports
higher incidence in homosexuals
populations most frequently diagnosed with eating disorders
adolescent and female
factors contributing to eating disorders
vulnerable personality
hx of obesity
uncontrolled dieting
onset of puberty
major life changes or stressors
family functioning style
sociocultural emphasis on slimness
etiology of eating disorders
genetic: strong genetic component
neurobiological: altered brain serotonin contributes to the dysregulation of appetite, mood, impulse control
psychological: eating disorders are learned behavior that has positive reinforcement
environmental: childhood trauma
psychological factors of eating disorders
low self esteem
feelings of inadequacy, lack of control in life
depression, anxiety, stress, loneliness, trauma
interpersonal factors of eating disorders
troubled relationships
difficulty expressing emotions
hx of being teased based on size/weight
hx of physical/sexual abuse
social factors of eating disorders
culture pressure of thinness
narrow definitions of beauty
biological factors of eating disorders
irregular hormone functions
co-morbidities and dual diagnoses in eating disorders
associated between depression, anxiety, and eating disorders
anorexia have hx of anxiety
binge-purge behavior have co-morbid alcohol or substance abuse problem
bulimia frequently co-exists with major depression
treating eating disorders
rarely seek help
not motivated to change
often leave treatment
some recover spontaneously, whereas others have long term problems
anorexia nervosa
refusal to maintain body weight appropriate for age, intense fear of gaining weight or becoming obese
severely distorted body image
refusal to acknowledge the seriousness of wt loss
restricting type AN
individuals that do not regularly engage in binge eating or purging
calorie count and excessive exercise
binge eating and purging type AN
regularly engage in binge eating or purging behaviors
self induces vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas
physical characteristics of AN
low body weight
lack of energy, fatigue
muscular weakness
decreased balance, unsteady gate
low body temp, BP, pulse rate
tingling in hands and feet
thinning hair or hair loss
heart arrhythmias
loss of periods
low testo levels
etiology of AN
biological factors (genetics/neurobiological)
psychological factors
environmental factors
warning signs of AN
dramatic weight loss
preoccupation with food, calories, grams of fat, and dieting
refusal of certain foods, progressing to avoidance against whole food catagories