Eating disorder/weight loss Flashcards
1 cause of death in anorexia:
premature death increase by ____ fold increase
10 fold increase
suicide #1 cause
Percentage men with eating disorder
higher rates of ED occur in….
1st degree relative with ED
Identical twins
bulimia- more likely to have family hx of substance abuse
Dx anorexia
1) restriction of energy intake
2) fear of fat or verbalization or behaviors that interfere with maintenance of healthy weight
3) body image disturbance, body/self evaluation OR denial
no purging in last 3 months
restricting subtype of anorexia dx
has not purged within last 3 months
anorexia body weight percentage
85% of what is expected
BN body weight
maintain weight
dx bulimia
recurrent episodes of binge (eating large amount AND loss of control)
prevent weight gain via vomiting, laxatives
binge eating once a week***x 3 months
self esteem assoc. with weight
new proposed diagnostic criteria for binge eating disorder
eat rapidly, uncomfortably fool, large amounts when not hungry, eat alone, disgust
ONCE A WEEK x 3 months
do not occur exclusively during episodes of anorexia or bulimia***
Binge eating associations
impulse control difficulty
family hx
weight fluctuations, HTN, fatigue
Clinical presentation anorexia
memory, hair, low bp hr, palpitations, heart failure, anemia, atrophy, swollen joints, osteoporosis, kidney stones failure, electrolyte imbalances (LOW), amenorrhea, infertility, skin
Clinical presentation bulimia
facial- swelling of cheeks* parotid swelling
dental cavities
throat and esophagus (tears, rupture)
GI- ulcers delayed emptying constipation
Skin- irritated knuckles**, russells sign
PE ED #1 priority
detect emergency- cardiac, hypotension
urine and orthostatic should be done at ___
every visit, specific gravity for water loading
amylase often _____
do patients with ED report physical symptoms?
generally no- denial
report doesnt match evidence
considerations when taking weight
use same scale
johnnie only
BMI less than ___ is underweight
BMI guidelines
Mild 17+
Mod 16-17
Severe 15-16
Extreme 15
18.5-25 normal
heart rate anorexia
can be tachycardia if dehydrated
temporal wasting often seen in _____