Easy French Ch 6: Expressing Future with Aller, Prepositions, faire Flashcards
How do you form le future proche?
Aller + infinitive
Alors, quand vas-tu . . .?
So, when are you going to . . . ?
l’annee prochaine*
Next year
the day after tomorrow
cet après-midi
this afternoon
dans huit jours
in a week/eight days
dans quinze jours
in 2 weeks/15 days
ce matin
this morning
la semaine prochaine
next week
ce soir
this evening; tonight
tout a l’heure*
in a little while, soon
tout de suite
right away, immediately
(un peu) plus tard
(a little) later
ce week-end
this weekend
at; to; in (preposition)
with (preposition)
of; from; about (preposition)
in; on (preposition)
for; to, in order to (preposition)
en retard
en avance
Which preposition is used to indicate location or destination (at, in, or to), and with the names of most cities?
Which proposition used before an indirect object noun (usually a person or a pet) to mean to or for?
demander a*
to ask (for)
donner a*
to give to
montrer a*
to show to
parler a*
to speak to
repondre a*
to answer to
telephoner a*
to phone, to call
Which proposition is used to indicated where someone or something comes from?
Which preposition is used to express possession and the concept of belonging to or being a part of something?
e.g., Tu travailles a la librairie de l’universite? (Do you work at the university bookstore?)
Which preposition is used with the verb parker to mean about?
e.g., De quoi parlez-vous? (What are you talking about?
On parle de la nouvelle épicerie. (We’re talking about the new grocery store.)
Which preposition is used as a descriptive phrase before a noun (equivalent to an adjective in English)?
Though English nouns can be used as adjectives (e.g, the history book), French always uses this preposition + a noun in these cases (le livre ___histoire)
e.g., le professeur de chimie (the chemistry professor) la vie d'etudiant (student life) le livre de chinois (the Chinese book) le livre d'histoire (the history book) l'agent de voyages (the travel agent)
What are the contractions of a with the definite articles?
a la
a l’
a + le = au (Elle va au cinema)
a + les = aux (Elle telephone aux amis de Nicole.)
What are the contractions of de with the definite articles?
de la
de l’
de + le = du (Il rentre du travail. He comes home from work.)
de + les = des (Il rentre des champs. He comes home from the fields.)
a cote de*
beside, next to
a droite de
a gauche de
to the right of
to the left of
a l’est de
a l’ouest de
to the east of
to the west of
loin de
pres de
far from
en face de
facing, opposite
au nord de
au sud de
to the north of
to the south of
by, through
hors de
in, inside of
outside of
par terre
on the floor/ground
in front of
on top of
apres + noun*
Je vais en ville après (le) déjeuner.
I’m going into town after lunch.
avant de/d’ + infinitive
before (in time)
Nous dinons avant de regarder le film.
We have dinner before watching the movie.
dans + time period
in (the time that will elapse until something occurs)
Chantal arrive dans dix jours.
Chantal arrives in 10 days.
depuis + pt in time or length of time
since, for (action is still going on in the present)
J’etudie le français depuis deux ans.
I’ve been studying French for 2 years.
J’etudie le français depuis janvier 2007.
I’ve been studying French since January 2007.
en + time period
in (the length of time it takes to accomplish something)
Il est possible de preparer un repas en une heure.
It’s possible to prepare a meal in an hour.
jusqu’a + pt in time
Laurence reste ici jusqu’a mercredi.
Laurence is staying here until Wednesday.
pendant + time period
during; for (duration of an action)
Pendant l’année scolaire, Rene travaille dur
During the school year, Rene works hard.
En été, je baisa Grenoble pendant deux semaines.
Every summer, I go to Grenoble for 2 weeks.
Je travaille quatre heures aujourd’hui.
I’m working for four hours today.
Il regarde la tele toute la journée!
He watches TV all day long!
for (before a time expression, used only in making future plans)
Nous projections d’aller au Bresil pour un mois.
We’re planning to go to Brazil for a month.
whom (used after a preposition to refer to people)
what (used after a preposition to refer to things, use quoi not que)
laquel, laquelle, laques, laquelles
which one(s)?
to go
to do; to make
Il fait beau.
The weather is nice.
Il fait chaud.
It’s hot (warm).
Il fait frais.
It’s cool.
Il fait froid.
It’s cold.
Il fait du brouillard.
It’s foggy.
Il fait jour.
It’s daylight (dawn).
Il fait du soleil
It’s sunny.
Il fait mauvais.
It’s bad weather.
Il fait du vent.
It’s windy.
Il fait noir (nuit).
It’s dark (night).
Il pleut.
It’s raining
Il neige.
It’s snowing.