Bien Dit Ch 1 Flashcards
3 ways to say goodbye:
See you soon/See you tomorrow
See you later
À bientôt/À demain
À plus yard./À tout à l’heure
Au revoir
What is your name?
What is his/her name?
Comment tu t’appeles?
Comment il/elle s’appelle?
My name is . . .
His/Her name is . . .
Je m’appelle . . .
Il/Elle s’appelle . . .
To ask how someone is:
Are you doing OK?/How’s it going? (informal)
How are you doing? (formal)
Ça va?/Comment ça va? (Informal)
Comment allez-vous? (formal)
To respond to "How are you doing?" Yes, fine. Fine/Very good, thank you. Not bad/So-so No, not too good.
Oui, ça va (bien). Bien./Très bien, merci. Pas mal./Plus ou moins. Non, pas très bien. You may follow any of these with "and you?" Et toi? Or Et vous?
To introduce someone:
I’d like to introduce you to . . .
This is ________. He/she is a friend.
Je te présente. . . (Informal). Je vous présente. . . (Formal)
Ça c’est ______. C’est un ami/une amie.
To respond to an introduction.
Hello/hi. (Informal)
Very nice to meet you. (Formal)
To ask how old someone is.
How old are you?
How old is he/she?
Tu as quel âge?
Il/Elle a quel âge?
To respond to age.
I am 47 years old.
He is 12 years old.
J’ai quarante-sept ans.
Il a douze ans.
To ask about things in a classroom:
Is there/are there posters in the classroom?
How many students are there in the class?
Il y a un poster/des posters dans la salle de classe?
Combien d’eleves il y a dans la classe?
Responding to things in the classroom.
Yes, there is/are some posters.
No, there isn’t/aren’t any posters
There are 5 of them. There aren’t any.
Oui, il y a un poster/des posters.
Non, il n’y a pas de poster.
Il y en a cinq. Il n’y en a pas.
Sit down!
Stand up!
Pay attention!
Faites attention!
Listen and repeat after me.
Eoutez et répétez après moi!
Take out a sheet of paper.
Prenez une feuille de papier.
Go to the blackboard.
Allez au tableau.
Look at the map.
Regardez la carte.
Go back to your seats.
Retournez à vos places.
Open your books to page . . .
Oeuvres vos livers à la page . . .
Close your notebooks.
Fer ez vos cahiers
I don’t understand
Je ne comprends pas.
Could you please repeat that?
Répétez s’il vous plait?
How do you say ________ in French?
Comment dit-on _________en français.
What does ________ mean?
Qu’est-ce que ça vest dire _______?
To have
J’ai, tu as, il/elle/on a, nous a ons, vous avez, ils/elles ont
Ne . . . Pas around the verb
3 Greetings:
Hello Mr./Mrs./Miss
Good evening
Bonjour, monsieur/madame/mademoiselle