Earthquake CS: Haiti 2010 Flashcards
in January 2010, an earthquake measuring………on the Richter scale struck Haiti
7 in magnitude
the earthquake killed ………….people
Haiti is in the………hemisphere
Haiti’s population was ……..
9.8 million
Haiti’s GNI was………..per person per annum
……% of Haiti’s 15-49 year olds were HIV/AIDS positive
2.2% which is very high
Haiti is heavily dependent on …………. payments from family abroad which in 20… amounted to ….% of the GDP
in 20…, …………….. were killed in Storm Jeanne
3,000 deaths
in 20…, …. people were killed in 4 hurricanes and …..% of the harvest was destroyed
800 deaths
in the 2010 ‘quake, ….% of Port-au-Prince, the capital, was destoyed
in Port-au-Prince, only ….% of people had access to latrines and only …..% to clean tap water
50% to latrines
33% to clean water
rural to urban migration resulted in huge…….around Port-au-Prince and a ……..% unemployment rate in rural areas
90% unemployment rate
…% of Haiti’s population live on less than …$ a day
70% live on less than 2$ a day
…..% of Port-au-Prince’s population lived in slum conditions
it took ….weeks for NGO aid to arrive due to poor coordination, with some areas receiving duplicate aid while others none at all
3 weeks
although Haiti had been cholera-free for …..years, by …….. 2010, there were more than……….cases and……….deaths
cholera-free for 100 years
by November 2010, more than 500,000 cases
6,900 deaths form cholera
one positive sign of recovery is that….% of school children in the earthquake zone have now returned to school
a year after the earthquake, only $……… had been donated, which was only …..% of the minimum needed to carry on operations
$1 billion
72% of what was needed
…….% of buildings were destroyed, including …..hospitals, … centres, ……….. Ministry of Health buildings and …… university buildings
70% of buildings destroyed 8 hospitals 9 health centres 10 ministry of health buildings 19 uni buildings
the earthquake’s focus was ……….km deep and the epicentre was just ………… from Port-au-Prince, creating a ……….km rupture off the ………………..fault, slipping …….m
13 km deep (which is very shallow, meaning greater intensity)
25 km from the capital
65 km rupture along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault, slipping 1.8m