Earth & Physical Science Flashcards
Law of Conservation of Energy
energy is not lost but transferred back and forth between kinetic energy and potential energy
e.g. increase in KE will decrease PE
a molecule that possesses both positive and negative atomic structure
polar molecule
a molecule that possesses both positive and negative atomic structure
polar molecule
involves electron donation to produce a produce a more positive ion
susbstances that cannot be broken into simpler types of matter
an acyclic unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains one or more C-C double bonds. always end in -ene. (general molecular formula of CnH2n with only one double bond)
chemical reactions in living organisms
electron acceptance to produce a more negative ion
ratio of mass per volume of a substance
negatively charged subatomic particles found in various energy levels (orbital shells) around the nucles
a compound that contains only carbon and hydrogen atoms
these are abundant within living things, foods, fuels and plastics
elements that donate highly conductive eletrons to the environment
a molecular surface acted upon by an enzyme
negatively charged subatomic particles found in various energy levels (orbital shells) around the nucles
where atoms are arranged in a highly ordered state
crystalline order
chemical reactions in living organisms
electrons in the outter most shell
valence electrons
increase reaction rates by lowering activation energy
these are not consumed in a reaction
substances that are consumed or altered in a chemical reaction
when 2 atoms form covalent bonds and the covalent bond sharing isnt equal. some atoms “hog” electrons more
attractions for electrons
7 visible forms of electromagnetic radiation from long to short wavelengths
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
ratio of mass per volume of a substance
elements that may accept or donate electrons. possess a mixture of metallic and non metallix properties
positively charged subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom
of these distinguishes one atom from another
of these = atomic number
when 2 atoms form covalent bonds and the covalent bond sharing isnt equal. some atoms “hog” electrons more
attractions for electrons
potential energy
the amount of stored energy
energy can be stored in a battery cell or gasoline or gravity can store energy when an object is at a certain height
doubling the height will double this
m=mass, g=gravitational constant, h=height
atomic mass
the average mass of all known isotopes of an element
it usually represents the most common isotope
chemical reactions with a cell
metabolic pathways
a measure of hydrogen ion concentation within a solution
saturated hydrocarbon with an acyclic carbon atom arrangement. the number of H present are always twice the number of C atoms plus 2 more. e.g. methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8). always end in -ane
they are saturated with H’s and have only single bonds
the results of any change in energy
quantified in units Joules and calories
the amount of heat necessary to cause a phase transition between a liquid and a gas
heat of vaporization
study of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. compounds from living organisms
organic chemistry
organic chemistry
study of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. compounds from living organisms
polar molecule
a molecule that possesses both positive and negative atomic structure
an alteration of the physical state between a solid, liquid and gas
phase transition
the energy required to raise one unit of mass of a substance by 1 degree C
specific heat
radio, microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
electromagnetic spectrum divided into bands of wavelengths from long to short
atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
energy is not lost but transferred back and forth between kinetic energy and potential energy
e.g. increase in KE will decrease PE
Law of Conservation of Energy
neutral subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom
valence electrons
electrons in the outter most shell
the energy required to raise one unit of mass of a substance by 1 degree C
specific heat
orbital shells
the arrangement of electrons within orbits around the nucleus
the flow of energy due to a difference in temperature
neutral subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom
electron acceptance to produce a more negative ion
energy required to remove an electron from an atom in a neutral state
ionization energy
a positively or negatively charged atom
used to qualitatively determine pH
do not give precise measurements, just approximations
ex. litmus paper (turns red for acidic solutions and blue for basic solutions)
pH indicator
an alteration of the physical state between a solid, liquid and gas
phase transition
sharing electrons
covalent bond
the flow of energy due to a difference in temperature
saturated hydrocarbon with an acyclic carbon atom arrangement. the number of H present are always twice the number of C atoms plus 2 more. e.g. methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8). always end in -ane
they are saturated with H’s and have only single bonds
increase reaction rates by lowering activation energy
these are not consumed in a reaction
crystalline order
where atoms are arranged in a highly ordered state
covalent bond
sharing electrons
study of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. compounds from living organisms
organic chemistry
the amount of stored energy
energy can be stored in a battery cell or gasoline or gravity can store energy when an object is at a certain height
doubling the height will double this
m=mass, g=gravitational constant, h=height
potential energy
a measure of hydrogen ion concentation within a solution
a positively or negatively charged atom
saturated hydrocarbon with an acyclic carbon atom arrangement. the number of H present are always twice the number of C atoms plus 2 more. e.g. methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8). always end in -ane
they are saturated with H’s and have only single bonds
elements that donate highly conductive eletrons to the environment
total number of protons and neutrons found within the nucles of the atom
electrons are not included because they contribute very little mass
mass number
ratio of mass per volume of a substance
energy from Sun reaches Earth in this form
waves of radiation that are characterized by electric and magnetic fields
e.g. gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, etc
electromagnetic waves
ionization energy
energy required to remove an electron from an atom in a neutral state
phase transition
an alteration of the physical state between a solid, liquid and gas
electromagnetic waves
energy from Sun reaches Earth in this form
waves of radiation that are characterized by electric and magnetic fields
e.g. gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, etc
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
7 visible forms of electromagnetic radiation from long to short wavelengths
latent heat
the amount of energy needed for a phase transition (between solid, liquid and gas)
electron acceptance to produce a more negative ion
kinetic energy
amount of energy associated with an object’s motion
energy of motion
electromagnetic spectrum divided into bands of wavelengths from long to short
radio, microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
a molecular surface acted upon by an enzyme
substances that are consumed or altered in a chemical reaction
globular proteins
proteins that are water soluble
the distance that light will travel within 1 year of time
metabolic pathways
chemical reactions with a cell
substances that are consumed or altered in a chemical reaction
the average mass of all known isotopes of an element
it usually represents the most common isotope
atomic mass
the arrangement of electrons within orbits around the nucleus
orbital shells
atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
involves electron donation to produce a produce a more positive ion
ionic bond
an atom gives an electron to another atom so they both become ions. they bond be cause the ions are attracted to each other
the distance that light will travel within 1 year of time
positively charged subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom
of these distinguishes one atom from another
of these = atomic number
pH indicator
used to qualitatively determine pH
do not give precise measurements, just approximations
ex. litmus paper (turns red for acidic solutions and blue for basic solutions)
increase reaction rates by lowering activation energy
these are not consumed in a reaction
the amount of energy needed for a phase transition (between solid, liquid and gas)
latent heat
specific heat
the energy required to raise one unit of mass of a substance by 1 degree C
acyclic hydrocarbon containing one or more C-C triple bonds
it has a linear (180 degrees) geometry, sp hybridized
nomenclature is same as alkene but with -yne ending
cis/trans are not possible. only constitutional isomers possible
chemical reactions in living organisms
proteins that are water soluble
globular proteins
mass number
total number of protons and neutrons found within the nucles of the atom
electrons are not included because they contribute very little mass
amount of energy associated with an object’s motion
energy of motion
kinetic energy
involves electron donation to produce a produce a more positive ion
a molecular surface acted upon by an enzyme
elements that may accept or donate electrons. possess a mixture of metallic and non metallix properties
an acyclic unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains one or more C-C double bonds. always end in -ene. (general molecular formula of CnH2n with only one double bond)
an atom gives an electron to another atom so they both become ions. they bond be cause the ions are attracted to each other
ionic bond
used to qualitatively determine pH
do not give precise measurements, just approximations
ex. litmus paper (turns red for acidic solutions and blue for basic solutions)
pH indicator
susbstances that cannot be broken into simpler types of matter
a compound that contains only carbon and hydrogen atoms
these are abundant within living things, foods, fuels and plastics
a compound that contains only carbon and hydrogen atoms
these are abundant within living things, foods, fuels and plastics
proteins that are water soluble
globular proteins
electrons in the outter most shell
valence electrons
the amount of energy needed for a phase transition (between solid, liquid and gas)
latent heat
elements that may accept or donate electrons. possess a mixture of metallic and non metallix properties
heat of vaporization
the amount of heat necessary to cause a phase transition between a liquid and a gas
energy required to remove an electron from an atom in a neutral state
ionization energy
the results of any change in energy
quantified in units Joules and calories
acyclic hydrocarbon containing one or more C-C triple bonds
it has a linear (180 degrees) geometry, sp hybridized
nomenclature is same as alkene but with -yne ending
cis/trans are not possible. only constitutional isomers possible
the amount of heat necessary to cause a phase transition between a liquid and a gas
heat of vaporization