Earth Origin Flashcards
Big Bang Theory
all matter and energy in the Universe started out as a single infinitesimally small point.
How many galaxies in the universe?
Over 100 billion galaxies exist in the visible universe
“Deep Space” is also known as…
Outer Space
Why does the Milky Way Galaxy look like a concentration of stars running in a line across the sky?
Because we look perpendicular to the axis of rotation
Define Fission
the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts.
Define Fusion
the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.
What is Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
refers to the production of nuclei of the lightest isotopes during the early phases of the universe
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
process by which the chemical elements in stars change due to nuclear fusion reactions. Formed elements up to Fe (atomic number 26)
Elements with atomic numbers larger
than 26 formed
What are the steps of the formation of a planetoid
- Nebular cloud condenses into protoplanetary disk
- Disk glows and ignites into nuclear fusion
- The surrounding dust forms planetesimals
- Planetesimals accumulate to form a planetoid
- Core ignites and differentiates core from mantle
What are the four terrestrial planets?
a. Mercury b. Venus c. Earth d. Mars
What are the four gas planets?
e. Jupiter f. Neptune g. Saturn h. Uranus
Where does the asteroid belt lie?
Between (terrestrial planets) Mars and (gas planets) Jupiter
The Earth System includes…
- The Lithosphere
- The Biosphere
- The Hydrosphere
- The Atmosphere
What are the two main elements that are prominent on Earth?
Iron & Oxygen
The Earth is made up of 3 parts
Crust (least dense), Mantle, Core (most dense)
Earth’s crust is composed of 8 different elements
[Oxygen, Silicon], Aluminum, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium
Minerals are…
Naturally occurring crystalline
Glasses are…
non-crystalline solids
There are two types of crust…
- Oceanic Crust (70%) – Thinner, more dense
2. Continental Crust (30%) – Thicker, less dense
What are lines of flux?
Flux lines point out from the N pole and in toward the S pole. Lines of flux cause iron filings to align.
Why does the N side of a compass point North?
The north pole has southern polarity.
What are Van Allen Belts?
Where charged particles of the solar wind are trapped, creating the Northern Lights.
What is the “Frost Line”?
the distance from the Sun beyond which water ice could condense
What are necessary for a planet to have a magnetic field?
- Rapid Rotation
2. Convecting, liquid core