Early Life Flashcards
What is Taxonomy?
Classifying organisms
-physical characteristics
What is Phylogeny?
Classifying based on “evolutionary” relatedness
- ie. DNA analysis
Maintaining balance (kidneys, pH, hormones)
Compartmentalized molecules
Using or creating macromolecules
Building new molecules
Adjusting to new enviornment
Sensing + Responding
Creating offspring
What does LUCA stand for?
Last Universal Common Ancestor
What are the three different types of domains?
Bacteria, Archea, and Eukarya
What is Cladograms?
- groups of organisms descended from common ancestor
- can be nested(small inside larger)
- two descendants that split from the same node–> sister groups
What are the four characteristics of bacteria?
Single celled, prokaryotic(no nucleus), reproduce asexually by binary fission, DNA composed of large circular chromosome
What is the function of the capsule of a cell?
Protection, evade immune system
What is the function of the cell wall of a cell?
Structure, eubacteria contains peptidoglycan
What is the function of the cell membrane of a cell?
Controls entrance and exit of substances
What is the function of the cytoplasm of a cell?
“jelly” which fills the cell
What is the function of the DNA(chromosome) of a cell?
Very large single DNA helix, joined by a circle
What is the function of the DNA(plasmids) of a cell?
Small DNA circles, passed from cell to cell
What is the function of the ribosomes of a cell?
Build protein from amino acids
What is the function of the food granule of a cell?
Food that bacteria engulfed
What is the function of the pili(pilus) of a cell?
Projection on surface used to trade plasmids
What is the function of the flagellum of a cell?
“tail” movement
Binary Fission
“splitting into two” (instead of mitosis in eukaryotic cells)
cell starts to divide
forms a protective coat around spore
- can survive harsh/dry conditions for many years
one bacteria cell “jabs” second cell with pilus
copy of plasmid can pass to new cell
Gram- positive cocci colour?
Gram- positive bacilli colour?
Gram- negative cocci colour?
Gram- negative bacilli colour?
What are the three shapes of bacteria?
cocci, bacilli, and others
What shape is cocci?
What shape is bacilli?
cylinder- rod
What is the shape of the other bacteria?
What is Normal Human Flora?
humans infants born sterile
How is natural flora accumulated?
Vaginal canal
Putting hands in mouth
Advantages of Normal Human Flora
Fewer cases of eczema, allergies, and asthma
What is Gut Flora?
Produces vitamin B and K
An Advantage of Gut Flora
Reduce likelihood of intestinal illness such as Irritable Bowel Disorder
2 Disadvantages of Gut Flora
Severe infections (C.difficile) treated with fecal transplant Connected to obesity
Advantage of External/Epidermal Flora
Prevents cases of skin infections and eczema