Early Life Flashcards
Define viable
The point at which a foetus could survive if it were to be born
Explain non religious views on when a foetus becomes a separate person
At conception: the moment when the sperm unites with the ovum and the new beings DNA is fixed
At the development of the backbone: this is what houses the nervousness system and it happens in the 3rd week
When the heart starts beating:4th week
When the foetus is viable: meaning it could survive outside the womb if born prematurely. This is at 22 weeks
Explain the Buddhist views on when life begins
Buddhists believe that life begins even before conceptions because all living things are caught up in the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Therefore there is no point in when life ‘begins’
When do hindus believe life begins
Hindus believe life begins at conception, when something unique comes into being
When do Christians believe life begins
Some Christians (particularly Roman Catholics) speak of the embryo (a foetus before 8 weeks) as a person or a potential person that therefore has rights
Define quality of life and briefly explain it
Quality of life is a measure of fulfilment. It refers to the kind of life the baby will have. It can mean both the physical and mental wellbeing of the child and also the family circumstances into which it is born
Outline some of the ways the babies quality of life could be compromised
1) severe disability: babies may live a life of suffering and pain. They may need full time care, placing extra responsibility on the family
2) unwanted child: unplanned pregnancy i.e the mother is too young and may not be able to support a child. Or a baby could be conceived through rape
3) poverty: some people cannot afford a child
Define abortion
The deliberate termination of a pregnancy usually before the foetus is 24 weeks and viable
What is the law on abortion and what does it state
Abortion was legalised as of 1967 Abortion Act. Since then it has been changed to limit the time you can abort to 24 weeks. Abortion is permitted if two doctors agree that one of the following conditions applies
1) the women might die unless aborted
2) there is a substantial risk of the baby being born severely physically or mentally disabled
3) there is a risk to the women’s physical or mental health
4) there is a risk to the physical or mental health of her existing children
Outline non specifically the pro life argument
All life is sacred and must be protected not destroyed
God has created life and as stewards of his world humans must protect it
Abortion is murder
The foetus has the right to life
We cannot tell if a disability will hing the quality of ones life
Outline non specifically the pro choice argument
A women should have be right to decide what happens to her body
Up to a certain point the foetus cannot survive outside the womb so should be thought of as a life of its won right
If abortions are banned women would still have them not in a safe way
Describe Buddhist views on abortion
Buddhism tells us:
1) life is special and should be protected
2) the first precept guides us to help other not harm them and reduce suffering
3) life begins at conception
4) Buddhists should show compassion and practice ahimsa
5) the main factor in the right or wrong of anything is intention
In more detail explain Buddhist views on abortion
Buddhists believe life begins at conception abortion is killing. Those involved would have created bad karma based on their intention. Abortion does not happen by accident so the intentions breaks the precept
Since a persons life is decided by karma from last lives it may be that the suffering a life will endure is necessary for their future by carrying out abortion we take away the foetuses chance of paying back bad karma
Buddhists recognise that at times an abortion can lead to less suffering. So accept it in those circumstances
Describe Christian views on abortion
Many Christina’s believe abortion is morally wrong as the bible tells us:
1) life is sacred
2) all humans were made in the image of God
3) only God gives and takes life
4) God has planned for the life of every single one of us
However some accept it rarely calling it a necessary evil
In more detail describe the Christian views on abortion
Christians say that abortion is wrong because it means killing something sacred, which God has created. Only God has that right and by allowing abortion we take that right out of the hands of God.
However where a women needs urgent medical treatment, which also mean the death of the foetus the church accepts the treatment. This is considered to be abortion as killing the foetus was not the intention
Describe the Hindu view on abortion
Most Hindus believe abortion is wrong as the scriptures tell us:
1) all life is sacred and special, so must be respected
2) those who carry out abortion are amongst the worst of sinners
3) all Hindus should practise ahimsa
4) a women who aborts her child loses her caste
5) abortion is as bad as killing a priest or your own parents
In more detail describe the Hindu view on abortion
The foetus is a living conscious person who needs protection. Protection is a result of ahimsa and respect. Since we go through many lifetimes each time creating karma for the next, when we abort a foetus we prevent the soul from working through a lifetime. This blocks the soul’s progress towards union with Ultimate Reality. It also means we receive bad karma
Define conception
When sperm meets the egg